Committee Agendas Online
09/12/2024 11:30 AM ,
OSU Cascades Campus, Ray Hall
1500 SW Chandler Avenue
Bend, OR 97702
Field Trip
(11:30 AM - 1:30 PM) ODOT-Hosted Tour of Bend Area Transportation Facilities*
(2:00 PM – 4:00 PM) Roundtable Discussion with Central Oregon Area Commission on
Transportation, Jurisdictional Leaders, Business Representatives, and
Topic Area Experts*
*Note: Persons wishing to attend either the roundtable or tour as observers should contact Patrick
Brennan at 503-986-1674 or at least 48 hours in advance.
Public Hearing
(5:00 PM – 5:10 PM) ODOT Transportation Funding Review
(5:10 PM – 7:00 PM) Public Comment
Register to give public comment:
- Register in person at the location noted at the top of the agenda. Registration will open 30 minutes ahead of meeting start time. If you require any assistance with registration, email or call the committee staff.
Register to give remote public comment:
-Time permitting, the Chairs will allow for remote public comment, please register at
-Registration ends at 5 pm the day before the day of the meeting. After that time, the registration system will close.
Submit written public comment:
-Mail: Joint Committee on Transportation
900 Court Street NE, Room 453, Salem, OR, 97301
-Written comment may be submitted up to 48 hours after the meeting start time.
ASL and Spanish language interpretation will be available at the public hearing. For more
information on Language Access Services:
Habrá interpretación de ASL y español en la audiencia pública. Para más información sobre los
servicios de acceso lingüístico:
To access links to a livestream or recordings of legislative meetings:
09/13/2024 11:30 AM ,
The Dalles Middle School Commons
1100 East 12th Street
The Dalles, OR 97058
Field Trip
(11:30 AM - 1:30 PM) ODOT-Hosted Tour of The Dalles Area Transportation Facilities*
(2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) Roundtable Discussion with Lower John Day Area Commission on
Transportation, Jurisdictional Leaders, Business Representatives, and
Topic Area Experts*
*Note: Persons wishing to attend either the roundtable or tour as observers should contact Patrick Brennan at 503-986-1674 or at least 48 hours in advance.
Public Hearing
(5:00 PM - 5:10 PM) ODOT Transportation Funding Review
(5:10 PM - 7:00 PM) Public Comment
Register to give public comment:
- Register in person at the location noted at the top of the agenda. Registration will open 30 minutes ahead of meeting start time. If you require any assistance with registration, email or call the committee staff.
Register to give remote public comment:
-Time permitting, the Chairs will allow for remote public comment, please register at
-Registration ends at 5 pm the day before the day of the meeting. After that time, the registration system will close.
Submit written public comment:
-Mail: Joint Committee on Transportation
900 Court Street NE, Room 453, Salem, OR, 97301
-Written comment may be submitted up to 48 hours after the meeting start time.
ASL and Spanish language interpretation will be available at the public hearing. For more information on Language Access Services:
Habrá interpretación de ASL y español en la audiencia pública. Para más información sobre los servicios de acceso lingüístico:
To access links to a livestream or recordings of legislative meetings:
Task Force
Hospital Discharge Challenges
10/15/2024 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM ,
This agenda will be populated with items one week before the meeting date.
Please note: This meeting will take place remotely from 9am - 1pm. To view a live stream of the meeting, please go to: Public testimony and viewing stations are available at the Capitol Building.
Improving the Safety of Behavioral Health Workers
09/10/2024 1:00 PM ,
Virtual H-170
This is a virtual meeting that may also be watched at the State Capitol. See Today’s Events at the Capitol for a link to a livestream at
Organizational Meeting
Welcome and Roll Call
Informational Meeting
Safety Planning and Training
LPRO Staff
Discussion: Member Priorities for Safety Plan Recommendations
Representative Travis Nelson, Chair
Overview of Lone Worker Policies
LPRO Staff
Behavioral Health Reimbursements and Requirements for Staffing
Sam Byers, Adult Behavioral Health Director, Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Donald Jardine, Medicaid Behavioral Health Policy and Programs Manager, OHA
Next Steps
Note change: updated speakers
For information on Language Access Services/Para más información sobre los Servicios de Acceso Lingüístico:
To access links to a livestream or recordings of legislative meetings:
10/03/2024 1:00 PM ,
Virtual H-170
This agenda will be updated prior to the meeting.
10/16/2024 1:00 PM ,
Virtual H-170
This agenda will be updated prior to the meeting.
Statewide Educator Salary Schedules
09/13/2024 9:00 AM ,
Virtual H-170
This is a virtual meeting. A livestream can be watched at the State Capitol. A link to a livestream can be found under Today’s Events at the Capitol at
Work Session
Submission of final report
For information on Language Access Services/Para más información sobre los Servicios de Acceso Lingüístico:
To access links to a livestream or recordings of legislative meetings:
Substitute Teachers
09/12/2024 3:30 PM ,
Virtual H-170
Informational Meeting
Updates to Task Force Report
LPRO Staff
Work Session
Adoption of Task Force Report
Informational Meeting
Task Force Member Reflections
Note change: Meeting time has been corrected
For information on Language Access Services/Para más información sobre los Servicios de Acceso Lingüístico: