House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 762C |
Rep Grayber
SB 762
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Vote Yes for 100% Clean Energy |
Sen Taylor
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Clean Energy |
Sen Beyer
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on HB 2842 |
Sen Jama
HB 2842
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on HB 3352 |
Sen Steiner Hayward
HB 3352
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 817 |
Sen Prozanski
SB 817
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Vaccinations |
Sen Boquist
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on HB 2362 |
Sen Patterson
HB 2362
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on 2417 |
Sen Gelser
HB 2417
06/26/2021 |
Senate |
News Release |
Sen Boquist
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Checklist for Executive Session |
Sen Boquist
06/25/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2362 |
Rep Valderrama
HB 2362
06/25/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 762B |
Rep Grayber
SB 762
06/25/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 551A |
Rep Neron
SB 551
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Vote yes on SB817 |
Sen Prozanski
SB 817
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Omnibus Transportation Bill |
Sen Beyer
HB 3055
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Reduce health car cost |
Sen Steiner Hayward
HB 3352
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Vote yess on SB2842 |
Sen Jama
HB 2842
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Mobile Crisis |
HB 2417
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Equal Access to Care Act |
Sen Patterson
HB 2362
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Oregon is different |
Sen Girod
HB 2362
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Equal Access to Care Act |
Sen Beyer
HB 2362
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
HB 2362 |
Sen Lieber
HB 2362
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Compliance w/open meeting req |
Sen Boquist
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Ore Assoc Hosp & Heath sys |
Sen Hansell
HB 2362
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Hosp Merged |
Sen Steiner Hayward
HB 2362
06/25/2021 |
Senate |
Health Benefits |
Sen Lieber
SB 551
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2021C |
Rep Pham
HB 2021
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on HB 2362 |
Rep Moore-Green
HB 2362
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
Juvenile Exp Reform |
Sen Dembrow
SB 575
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2362 |
Rep Salinas
HB 2362
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2362 |
Rep Salinas
HB 2362
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2362 |
Rep Prusak
HB 2362
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2010A |
Rep Salinas
HB 2010
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 567A |
Rep Sollman
SB 567
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
Red Light: Always prohibited |
Sen Gelser
SB 710
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
At Risk Cities |
Sen Golden
SB 762
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
Loc |
Sen Golden
SB 762
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
Sen Golden
SB 762
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
policy |
Sen Golden
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3352 |
Rep Campos
HB 3352
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 582B |
Sen Beyer
SB 582
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on SB 582 |
Rep Bonham
SB 582
06/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2362B |
Rep Valderrama
HB 2362
06/24/2021 |
Senate |
Vote yes |
Sen Prozanski
SB 48
06/23/2021 |
Senate |
SB 582 |
Sen Beyer
06/23/2021 |
Senate |
SB 582 |
Sen Beyer
SB 582
06/23/2021 |
Senate |
SB582 |
Sen Beyer
SB 582
06/23/2021 |
Senate |
SB 582 |
Sen Beyer
SB 582
06/23/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on HB 2362 |
Rep Drazan
HB 2362
06/23/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on SB 139A |
Rep Reschke
SB 139
06/23/2021 |
Senate |
Mobile Crisis response |
Sen Gelser
HB 2417
06/23/2021 |
Senate |
Troopers Budget |
Sen Prozanski
SB 211
06/23/2021 |
Senate |
OSA support |
Sen Dembrow
HB 2590
06/23/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3073B |
Rep Reynolds
HB 3073
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3073B |
Rep Bynum
HB 3073
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3073B |
Rep Pham
HB 3073
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3073B |
Rep Kropf
HB 3073
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2842B |
Rep Owens
HB 2842
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3073B |
Rep Alonso Leon
HB 3073
06/22/2021 |
Senate |
Stable Homes for Oregon Families |
Sen Jama
SB 278
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2842B |
Rep Williams
HB 3073
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3141B |
Rep Power
HB 3141
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on HB 2362 |
Rep Drazan
HB 2362
06/22/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 236 |
Rep Power
SB 236
06/21/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2739B |
Rep Gomberg
HB 2739
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
SB 567 |
Sen Gelser
SB 567
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
SB 763 |
Sen Patterson
SB 763
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
1: Help Stop Discrimination in Health Care |
Sen Gelser
SB 567
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
2: Help Stop Discrimination in Health Care |
Sen Gelser
SB 567
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
3: Help Stop Discrimination in Health Care |
Sen Gelser
SB 567
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
4: Help Stop Discrimination in Health Care |
Sen Gelser
SB 567
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
5: Help Stop Discrimination in Health Care |
Sen Gelser
SB 567
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
SB 1606 |
Sen Gelser
06/21/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2590A |
Rep Alonso Leon
HB 2590
06/21/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2021C |
Rep Reardon
HB 2021
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
Statewide obacco Retail License |
Sen Taylor
SB 587
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
SB 485 |
06/21/2021 |
Senate |
Staff Measure |
Sen Boquist
SB 139
06/17/2021 |
Senate |
Staff Measure Summary |
Sen Boquist
SB 727
06/17/2021 |
Senate |
Pass-through entity tax increase |
Sen Findley
SB 139
06/17/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2359 |
Rep Salinas
HB 2359
06/17/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 743 |
Rep Neron
SB 743
06/17/2021 |
Senate |
SB139A |
Sen Boquist
SB 139
06/17/2021 |
Senate |
Support teachers...expertise |
Sen Wagner
HB 2001
06/17/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 278A |
Rep Fahey
SB 278
06/17/2021 |
Senate |
SB 139 good for small business |
Sen Burdick
SB 139
06/17/2021 |
Senate |
Congressional Reapportionment: A comparison |
Sen Taylor
SB 259
06/16/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on SB 16 |
Rep McLain
SB 16
06/16/2021 |
Senate |
clean slate |
06/16/2021 |
Senate |
Promoting Safety & Success |
Sen Dembrow
HB 2172
06/15/2021 |
House |
Yes on SB 193B (Minority Report) and No on SB 193A |
Rep Bonham
SB 193
06/15/2021 |
Senate |
Remove burdens to recovery |
Sen Girod
SB 464
06/15/2021 |
Senate |
SR2 |
Sen Boquist
06/09/2021 |
Senate |
Elkhorn Baptist Chuch |
Sen Boquist
06/09/2021 |
Senate |
Homelessness and Pub Sp |
Sen Manning Jr
HB 3115
06/09/2021 |
Senate |
Painting |
Sen Wagner
06/08/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2357B |
Rep Salinas
HB 2357
06/08/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 588A |
Rep Clem
SB 588
06/08/2021 |
Senate |
Physicians Advocates say yes |
Sen Beyer
HB 3036
06/07/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SCR 17 |
Rep Pham
SCR 17
06/07/2021 |
Senate |
OSU Athlete info |
Sen President Courtney
SB 5
06/03/2021 |
Senate |
Junction City Police |
Sen Manning Jr
HB 3355
06/03/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on HB 3016 |
Sen Patterson
HB 3016
06/02/2021 |
Senate |
Req to vote Yes HB 2003 |
Sen Dembrow
HB 2003
06/01/2021 |
Senate |
Approval of HB 2682 from AFSCME |
Sen Gelser
HB 2682
05/28/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3167B |
Rep Smith DB
HB 3167
05/27/2021 |
House |
Rquest to Vote Yes on SB 199A |
Rep Prusak
SB 199
05/26/2021 |
Senate |
Request yes vote |
Sen Dembrow
SB 5514
05/25/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2001 |
Rep Alonso Leon
HB 2001
05/25/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 712 |
Rep Alonso Leon
SB 712
05/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 425 |
Rep Morgan
SB 425
05/24/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 712 |
Rep Alonso Leon
SB 712
05/19/2021 |
Senate |
Req yes on HB 2062 |
Sen Dembrow
HB 2062
05/18/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 424 |
Rep Rayfield
SB 424
05/18/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on SB 493A |
Rep Boshart Davis
SB 493
05/18/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 493-AMR5 |
Rep Bonham
SB 493
05/18/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote No on SB 493-A |
Rep Breese-Iverson
SB 493
05/18/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 493A |
Rep Holvey
SB 493
05/18/2021 |
Senate |
West Coast Elec Hwy |
Sen Boquist
05/18/2021 |
Senate |
elictric vehicles |
Sen Beyer
HB 2165
05/17/2021 |
House |
Support for Late Filtering and SB 574 |
Rep McLain
SB 574
05/17/2021 |
Senate |
Health plans for immigrants |
Sen Jama
HB 2360
05/17/2021 |
Senate |
Protect homeowners |
HB 2009
05/17/2021 |
Senate |
SB259 |
Sen Taylor
05/13/2021 |
Senate |
Equitabel solutions |
Sen Dembrow
HB 2475
05/13/2021 |
Senate |
HB2475 |
Sen Jama
05/13/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 574 |
Rep Noble
Rep Power
SB 574
05/13/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 496A |
Rep Grayber
SB 496
05/12/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on SB 282A |
Rep Campos
SB 282
05/11/2021 |
Senate |
yes on HB 2081A |
Sen Patterson
HB 2081
05/10/2021 |
Senate |
Support SB 780A |
Sen Prozanski
SB 780
05/07/2021 |
Senate |
vaccine information |
Sen Boquist
05/07/2021 |
House |
Another Request to Vote Yes on HB 2165A |
Rep McLain
HB 2165
05/06/2021 |
Senate |
Sars-Co-2 variants |
Sen Boquist
05/06/2021 |
Senate |
vaccinees |
Sen Boquist
05/05/2021 |
Senate |
Sen Burdick
SB 554
05/05/2021 |
Senate |
Vacination information |
Sen Boquist
05/04/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2165A |
Rep Power
HB 2165
05/04/2021 |
Senate |
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche biograhy |
Sen Boquist
05/03/2021 |
Senate |
Catastrophic consequences of human intervention |
Sen Boquist
05/03/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 266A |
Sen Gelser
SB 266
04/29/2021 |
Senate |
Opposition on SB193 |
Sen Thatcher
SB 193
04/29/2021 |
Senate |
Covid updates |
Sen Boquist
04/29/2021 |
Senate |
vote yes on compensation |
Sen Gorsek
SB 499
04/29/2021 |
Senate |
Ironworkers Local 29 |
Sen Manning Jr
SB 420
04/29/2021 |
Senate |
yes on local workforce |
Sen Manning Jr
SB 420
04/29/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2935 |
Rep Bynum
HB 2935
04/28/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 3110 |
Rep Power
HB 3110
04/27/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2513A |
Rep Grayber
HB 2513
04/26/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2162 et al. |
Rep Bynum
HB 2162
04/26/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2622A |
Rep Schouten
HB 2622
04/26/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 199 |
Sen Prozanski
SB 199
04/22/2021 |
Senate |
yes for end Pay for Delay |
Sen Patterson
SB 764
04/22/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 781 |
Sen Anderson
SB 781
04/22/2021 |
Senate |
Affordable Homes |
Sen Patterson
SB 8
04/21/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2162, etc. |
Rep Bynum
HB 2162
04/20/2021 |
Senate |
AFSCMEyes on bill SB424 |
Sen Manning Jr
SB 424
04/19/2021 |
Senate |
yes on SB 629 |
Sen Hansell
SB 629
04/19/2021 |
House |
Request to Vote Yes on HB 2495A |
Rep Holvey
HB 2495
04/19/2021 |
House |
Request to vote Yes on HB 2966A |
Rep Nosse
HB 2966
04/16/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB458 |
Sen Frederick
SB 458
04/15/2021 |
Senate |
Increase in Forest |
Sen Robinson
04/15/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 282 |
Sen Patterson
SB 282
04/14/2021 |
House |
Request to vote Yes on HB 2695A |
Rep Helm
HB 2695
04/13/2021 |
Senate |
Support for HECC |
Sen Golden
SB 712
04/12/2021 |
Senate |
Bill names after Athena Teen |
Sen Hansell
SB 649
04/12/2021 |
House |
Request to vote No on 2616 |
Rep Power
HB 2616
04/12/2021 |
House |
Request to vote Yes on HB 2510 |
Rep Prusak
HB 2510
04/12/2021 |
House |
Increacing Oregon's behavioral health workforce |
Rep Salinas
HB 2315
04/09/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SCR 17 |
Sen Dembrow
SCR 17
04/08/2021 |
Senate |
Unemployment benefits yes on SB 496 |
Sen Gorsek
SB 496
04/07/2021 |
House |
Vote yes on Minority Report for HB 2009A |
Rep Drazan
HB 2009
04/06/2021 |
House |
Vote yes on HB 2009A |
Rep Fahey
HB 2009
04/06/2021 |
Senate |
Vote yes on SB 299 |
Sen Riley
SB 299
04/01/2021 |
Senate |
climate information |
Sen Robinson
04/01/2021 |
Senate |
Description of SB 16 |
Sen Findley
SB 16
03/31/2021 |
Senate |
Support for SB 299 |
Sen Riley
SB 299
03/31/2021 |
Senate |
Vote no on SB 16 |
Sen Dembrow
SB 16
03/31/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 493 |
Sen Wagner
SB 493
03/31/2021 |
House |
Please voteyes on HB 3010 |
Rep Sanchez
HB 3010
03/31/2021 |
House |
A request to vote yes on 2062A |
Rep Holvey
HB 2062
03/31/2021 |
House |
Request to vote yes on HB 2081 |
Rep Nosse
HB 2081
03/30/2021 |
House |
Request to vote yes on HB 3016 |
Rep Nosse
HB 3016
03/30/2021 |
House |
Vote yes on 2360 |
Rep Salinas
HB 2360
03/30/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 554 |
Sen Prozanski
SB 554
03/25/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 554 |
Sen Prozanski
SB 554
03/25/2021 |
Senate |
No on SB 16 |
Sen Dembrow
SB 16
03/25/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 588 |
Sen Jama
SB 588
03/24/2021 |
Senate |
Yes on SB 588 |
Sen Manning Jr
SB 588
03/24/2021 |
House |
Vote YEs on 2180A |
Rep Wilde
HB 2180
03/22/2021 |
House |
Majority and Minority Reports |
Rep Evans
HB 2475
03/16/2021 |
House |
Vote yes on HB 2475 |
Rep Dexter
HB 2475
03/16/2021 |
House |
Group support of HB 2377 |
Rep Sanchez
HB 2377
03/16/2021 |
House |
Structural and systematic Veterans reform |
Rep Evans
HB 2927
02/09/2021 |
Senate |
Father O' Donovan invocation |
Sen Steiner Hayward
01/22/2021 |
Senate |
Archbisop Carroll Prayer for Govt |
Sen Steiner Hayward
01/22/2021 |