2013 Regular Session
Meeting Details 06/05/2013 3:00 PM, HR F
Meeting Materials
Document Type | Measure | Exhibit Title | Submitter | |
Meeting Material | LC4014_DRAFT_2013_Regular_Session | |||
Presentation | HB 3390 | BaggottC testimony | Christine Baggott, Oregon Bus Project | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | BarthmusM testimony | Michael Barthmus, Hood River,OR | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | BellancaH testimony | Helen Bellanca | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | CoppockM testimony | Megan Coppock | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | DayL testimony | Lindsay Day | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | DickeyB testimony | Bill Dickey | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | DowningJ testimony | Jayne Downing, Mid Valley Women's Crisis Service | |
Witness Registration | HB 3390 | HB 3390 witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | HebbS testimony | Sybil Hebb, Oregon Law Center | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | KayeB testimony | Beth Kaye,Oregon Public Health Institute | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | KelleyM testimony | Marcia Kelley, AAUW | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | KingS testimony | Susan King, Oregon Nurses Association | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | Lindberg-HarperL testimony | Leslie Lindberg-Harper | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | LopezR testimony | Reyna Lopez, Causa | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | LundS testimony | Susan Lund | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | MainStreetAlliance Testimony | Main Street Alliance | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | MercerL Testimony | Main Street Alliance | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | PalusoA testimony | Andrea Paluso, Family Forward Oregon | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | SchwoeffermanT Testimony | Urban League of Portland | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | SummerM Testimony | Mike Sumner, Case Automotive | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | TiimmonsV testimony | Vannessa Timmons, OCADSVA | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | VanSlykeE testimony | Ellen VanSlyke | |
Presentation | HB 3390 | WeberR testimony | Roberta Weber, Family Policy Program OSU | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | BatemanB testimony | Brenda Bateman, Oregon Water Resources Dept. | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | ChuE testimony | Eric Chu | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | CornforthRD testimony | Derek and Rachel Cornforth | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | CyrusM Testimony | Matt Cyrus, Pacific Habitat Services, Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | DeggendorferF testimony | Frank Deggendorfer | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | DeggendorferK testimony | Kathy Deggendorfer | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | DeweyP testimony | Paul Dewey, Central Oregon Land Watch | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | EagleE & BowenB testimony | Eva Eagle & Bruce Bowen | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | GodardJ testimony | Jack Godard | |
Witness Registration | HB 3536 | HB 3536 witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | JelenK testimony | Kimry Jelen | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | KloppB testimony | Basey Klopp | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | LawrenceR testimony | Rhett Lawrence, Sierra Club | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | LeeD Testimony | David Lee, resident, OR | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | LipscombP Testimony | Paul Lipscomb, resident, OR | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | LynchP testimony | Peggy Lynch, League of Women Voters | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | McCoyS testimony | Steve McCoy | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | McGregorD testimony | Dennis McGregor | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | RindyB Testimony | Department of Land Conservation and Development | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | RoemmerN testimony | Nikki Roemmer | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | RustadJ testimony | Jeannine Rustad, American Planning Association | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | SowdonB testimony | Bob Sowdon | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | SupkisH testimony | Heidi Supkis | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | ThompsonD testimony | Dierdra Thompson, Sisters, OR | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | ThompsonT testimony | Thomas Thompson, Sisters, OR | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | UngerA testimony | Alan Unger, Deschutes County Commisioners | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | WaterWatch testimony | Kimberley Priestly, Water Watch | |
Presentation | HB 3536 | WolfE testimony | Elise Wolf | |
Presentation | SCR 3 | BonamiciS Testimony | Rep. Suzanne Bonamici | |
Presentation | SCR 3 | ElfersJ Testimony | Jan Elfers, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon | |
Presentation | SCR 3 | Kennedy-WongP testimony | Phillip Kennedy-Wong | |
Presentation | SCR 3 | SaidW Testimony | Wajdi Said, Muslim Educational Trust | |
Witness Registration | SCR 3 | SCR 3 A witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | SCR 3 | TullyM testimony | Mary Jo Tully | |
Presentation | SCR 3 | Whitney-WiseP Testimony | Patty Whitney-Wise, Oregon Hunger Task Force | |
Witness Registration | SCR 17 | SCR 17 witness registration | Staff |