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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 3027 -1 Proposed 3/23/2015 12:16 PM
HB 3232 -1 Proposed 3/23/2015 12:18 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2669 Oregon Wild Testimony Quinn Read
Presentation HB 2669 Witness Testimony Staff
Presentation HB 2686 Testimony Bruce Bruce Mate
Meeting Material HB 2686 Bookmark Bruce Mate Bruce Mate
Witness Registration HB 2686 Witness Registration Staff
Meeting Material HB 3027 Columbia Gorge Graph Rep. Johnson Rep. Johnson
Meeting Material HB 3027 Columbia Gorge Troutdale Graph Rep. Johnson Rep. Johnson
Meeting Material HB 3027 Columbia Dallas Gorge Graph Rep. Johnson Rep. Johnson
Witness Registration HB 3027 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 3027 Jim Austin Territory Testimony Mt Hood Territory
Presentation HB 3027 Stephanie Redman Parks Association Testimony Oregon Recreation Parks Association
Presentation HB 3027 Rick Applegate Testimony Mt. Hood Roasters Coffee Company
Meeting Material HB 3027 Mayor of Hood River Hood River
Presentation HB 3027 Rep. Helm Testimony Rep. Helm Testimony
Meeting Material HB 3027 Constituent Support Missy Yung
Presentation HB 3027 Bety Valian Testimony Bety Valian
Presentation HB 3027 Clackamas Commissioners Testimony Chris Lyons
Meeting Material HB 3027 Gordon Zimmerman Support One Gorge
Meeting Material HB 3027 City of Sandy City of Sandy
Presentation HB 3027 Chris Holden Letter of Support for HB 3207 WCGCC
Meeting Material HB 3027 Ski Bowl Ski Bowl
Meeting Material HB 3232 BreastCancer Graph Rep. McLain
Presentation HB 3232 Jan Franke Testimony Jan Franke
Witness Registration HB 3232 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 3355 Chris McGowan HB 3355 testimony Trailblazers
Witness Registration HB 3355 Witness Registration Staff