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2024 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4109 -1 Proposed 2/8/2024 9:38 AM
HB 4109 -2 Proposed 2/8/2024 9:39 AM
HB 4109 -3 Proposed 2/8/2024 9:39 AM
HB 4109 -4 Proposed 2/8/2024 9:39 AM
HB 4109 -11 Proposed 2/8/2024 11:43 AM
HB 4109 -13 Proposed 2/8/2024 11:43 AM
SB 1566 -3 Proposed 2/8/2024 9:40 AM
SB 1566 -4 Proposed 2/8/2024 2:01 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Dan Mahr (presentation) Bridge of The Gods, Dan Mahr, Port of Cascade Locks
Preliminary SMS HB 4109 HB 4109 -1, -3, -4, -11, -13 Preliminary SMS Staff
Witness Registration HB 4109 HB 4109 (witness registration) Staff
Meeting Material HB 4109 HB 4109 section and amendment overview (2024-02-08) Staff
Presentation HB 4110 Dan Mahr (presentation) Dan Mahr
Witness Registration HB 4110 HB 4110 (witness registration) Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4110 HB 4110 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation SB 1512 Dan Mahr (presentation) Dan Mahr
Witness Registration SB 1512 SB 1512 (witness registration) Staff
Preliminary SMS SB 1512 SB 1512 Preliminary SMS Staff
Preliminary SMS SB 1566 SB 1566 -3, -4 Preliminary SMS Staff
Witness Registration SB 1566 SB 1566 (witness registration) Staff