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2019 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2030 -1 Proposed 2/4/2019 10:49 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2030 HB 2030 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2030 Kyle Thomas (testimony) Kyle Thomas, Director, Legislative and Policy Affairs, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
Witness Registration HB 2030 HB 2030 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2140 HB 2140 Preliminary SMS staff
Meeting Material HB 2140 Kyle Easton (report: "Employer Provided Scholarships") Kyle Easton, economist, Legislative Revenue Office
Witness Registration HB 2140 HB 2140 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2247 HB 2247 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2247 Doug Barber (map) Doug Barber, volunteer, Imagination Library, Eugene
Presentation HB 2247 Doug Barber (testimony) Doug Barber, volunteer, Imagination Library, Eugene
Meeting Material HB 2247 Pam Hunsaker and Doug Barber (presentation) Doug Barber, volunteer, Imagination Library, Eugene
Meeting Material HB 2247 Pam Hunsaker (book) Pam Hunsaker, Regional Director, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Presentation HB 2247 Amy Hutchinson (testimony) Amy Hutchinson, Director, Lake County Library District
Witness Registration HB 2247 HB 2247 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2318 HB 2318 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2318 Dana Hepper (testimony) Dana Hepper, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Children’s Institute
Meeting Material HB 2318 Dana Hepper (report: "A Research Perspective on Oregon's Kindergarten Assessment") Dana Hepper, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Children’s Institute
Presentation HB 2318 Dana Hepper (letter of Dana Hepper, Children’s Institute; Whitney Grubbs, Chalkboard Project et al) Dana Hepper, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Children’s Institute
Presentation HB 2318 Donna Schnitker (testimony) Donna Schnitker, President, Oregon Head Start Association
Presentation HB 2318 Judith Newman (testimony) Judith Newman, Director, Early Childhood CARES
Presentation HB 2318 Jereme Nickell (testimony) Jereme Nickell, resident, Portland
Meeting Material HB 2318 Pat Eck (handout) Pat Eck, Oregon Public Education Network
Presentation HB 2318 Pat Eck (testimony of Nancy Jamison, teacher) Pat Eck, Oregon Public Education Network
Presentation HB 2318 Ross Swartzendruber (testimony) Ross Swartzendruber, resident, Salem
Witness Registration HB 2318 HB 2318 (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 2318 Art Tegger (testimony) Art Tegger, retired teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Beth Green (testimony) Beth Green, research professor, Portland State University
Presentation HB 2318 Carol Greenough (testimony) Carol Greenough, retired clinical psychologist
Presentation HB 2318 Carole Freeman (testimony) Carole Freeman, retired disability specialist, College of the Redwoods
Presentation HB 2318 Chris O’Neill (testimony) Chris O’Neill, resident, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Christine Hinrichs (testimony) Christine Hinrichs, elementary school teacher, Portland
Presentation HB 2318 Colleen Hunter (testimony) Colleen Hunter, retiree, Springfield Public Schools
Presentation HB 2318 Deanna Chappell Belcher (testimony) Deanna Chappell, resident, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Deb Mayer (testimony) Deb Mayer, retired teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Diana Huntington (testimony) Diana Hunnington, retired teacher; resident, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Dick Friedrich (testimony) Dick Friedrich, retired teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Herb Everett (testimony) Herb Everett, resident, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Jacqueline Danos (testimony) Jacqueline Danos, resident, Yachats
Presentation HB 2318 Jane Squires (testimony) Jane Squires, professor, University of Oregon
Presentation HB 2318 Jerome Garger (testimony) Jerome Garger, retired teacher of writing, literature, and political science
Presentation HB 2318 Jerry Rosiek (testimony) Jerry Rosiek, Professor of Education Studies, University of Oregon
Presentation HB 2318 Jesse Cox (email testimony) Jesse Cox, retired technical writer
Presentation HB 2318 Jesse Cox (testimony) Jesse Cox, retired technical writer
Presentation HB 2318 Joel Keller (testimony) Joel Keller, resident, Yachats
Presentation HB 2318 Johanna Aley (testimony) Johanna Aley, mother
Presentation HB 2318 John M. Love (testimony) John M. Love, retired teacher
Presentation HB 2318 John Nimmo (testimony) John Nimmo, resident, Portland
Presentation HB 2318 Judith MacDonald (testimony) Judith MacDonald, affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 2318 Karen Stingle (testimony) Karen Stingle, resident, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Katherine Gorham (testimony) Katherine Gorham, retired middle school teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Kathleen Jeskey (testimony) Kathleen Jeskey, recently retired teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Krystal Sundstrom (testimony) Krystal Sundstrom, resident, Springfield
Presentation HB 2318 Laura Farrelly (testimony) Laura Farrelly, educator, Springfield School District
Presentation HB 2318 Lee Paez (testimony) Lee Paez, retired counselor and educator
Presentation HB 2318 Liz Marlia-Stein (testimony) Liz Marlia-Stein, substitute teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Mana Takei (testimony) Mana Takei, affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 2318 Margaret C. Brown (testimony) Margaret C. Brown, resident, Portland
Presentation HB 2318 Margie Grinnell (testimony) Margie Grinnell, teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Megan McClelland (testimony) Megan McClelland, professor, Oregon State University
Presentation HB 2318 Megan Smith (testimony) Megan Smith, President, Wy’East Education Association
Presentation HB 2318 Myron Eckhardt (testimony) Myron Eckhardt, educational psychologist
Presentation HB 2318 Nancy Bray (testimony) Nancy Bray, retired District Coordinator, Title I Reading Specialist & English Language Development
Presentation HB 2318 Nancy Jameson (testimony) Nancy Jameson, early education teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Pam Wooddell (testimony) Pam Wooddell, retired nurse
Presentation HB 2318 Patricia Armstrong (testimony) Patricia Armstrong, resident, Yachats
Presentation HB 2318 Paul Bodin (testimony) Paul Bodin, philosophy instructor, University of Oregon
Presentation HB 2318 Pete Mandrapa (testimony) Pete Mandrapa, teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Roberta B. Weber (testimony) Roberta B. Weber, retired faculty research associate, Oregon State University
Presentation HB 2318 Roscoe Caron (Eugene Weekly article: "Can Children Be 'Too Young To Test'?") Roscoe Caron, retired middle school teacher, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Roscoe Caron (Eugene Weekly article: "Lost in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood") Roscoe Caron, retired middle school teacher, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Roscoe Caron (testimony) Roscoe Caron, retired middle school teacher, Eugene
Presentation HB 2318 Roscoe Caron (testimony of David C. Berliner, Professor of Education, Arizona State University) David C. Berliner, Professor of Education, Arizona State University
Presentation HB 2318 Diane Ravitch (testimony) Diane Ravitch, President, Network for Public Education
Presentation HB 2318 Stephanie Feeney (testimony) Stephanie Feeney, Professor Emerita of Education
Presentation HB 2318 Yong Zhao (testimony) Yong Zhao, Professor, School of Education, University of Kansas
Presentation HB 2318 S. Rieke Smith, S. Scott, K. Twain, A. McFarlane, J. Zurchmeide, K. Beckett, et al (letter) S. Rieke Smith, S. Scott, K. Twain, A. McFarlane, et al; Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J
Presentation HB 2318 Stephen Watkins (testimony) Stephen Watkins, affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 2318 Steve Buel (testimony) Steve Buel, former school teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Walter S. Gershon (testimony) Walter S. Gershon, Associate Professor, Kent State University
Presentation HB 2318 Wendy Turner (testimony) Wendy Turner, teacher
Presentation HB 2318 Will Parnell, John Nimmo, Ingrid Anderson (testimony) Will Parnell, John Nimmo, Ingrid Anderson, professors, Portland State University
Presentation HB 2318 Yves Nakahama (testimony) Yves Nakahama, affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 2318 David W. Rothwell (testimony) David W. Rothwell, Assistant Professor, Oregon State University
Preliminary SMS HB 2512 HB 2512 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2512 Laurie Wimmer (testimony) Laurie Wimmer, Government Relations Consultant, Oregon Education Association