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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2433 -1 Proposed 4/10/2017 2:38 PM
HB 2002 -2 Adopted 4/7/2017 3:59 PM
HB 3262 -1 Adopted 4/7/2017 3:59 PM
HB 2221 -3 Adopted 4/7/2017 4:00 PM
HB 2210 -2 Adopted 4/7/2017 4:01 PM
HB 2170 -1 Proposed 4/7/2017 4:01 PM
HB 2903 -3 Proposed 4/7/2017 3:58 PM
HB 3155 -3 Proposed 4/10/2017 11:47 AM
HB 3155 -5 Proposed 4/10/2017 1:43 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material HB 2002 Taylor Smiley Wolfe summary Office of the Speaker of the House
Presentation HB 2002 William VanVliet and Rob Prasch testimony Network for Oregon Affordable Housing
Presentation HB 2002 Norman Turrill and Nancy Donovan testimony League of Women Voters
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2002 HB 2002 -2 Fiscal Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2002 HB 2002 -2 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2170 HB 2170 -1 Fiscal Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2170 HB 2170 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2210 HB 2210 -2 Fiscal Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2210 HB 2210 -2 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2221 Doug Riggs testimony Northwest Grassroots and Communications
Presentation HB 2221 Kevin Dowling testimony Executive Director, CARES Northwest
Presentation HB 2221 Patty Terzian testimony Executive Director, Oregon Network of Child Abuse Intervention Centers
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2221 HB 2221 -3 Fiscal Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2221 HB 2221 -3 Preliminary SMS Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2433 HB 2433 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2433 HB 2433 -1 Revenue Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2903 HB 2903 -3 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 3262 HB 3262 -1 Fiscal Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3262 HB 3262 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 3398 HB 3398 Fiscal Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3398 HB 3398 Preliminary SMS Staff