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2015 Regular Session
No proposed amendments are available for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Witness Registration SB 320 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 320 AKoehler testimony of Connie Stopher South Coast Development Council
Presentation SB 320 AKoehler testimony of Joel Caris Food Roots
Presentation SB 320 AKoehler testimony of Kathleen Swayze Calapooia Food Alliance
Presentation SB 320 Ian Tolleson testimony Northwest Food Processors Association
Presentation SB 320 Matt Newell-Ching testimony Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon
Presentation SB 320 Mickey Killingsworth testimony Madras, Oregon resident
Presentation SB 534 Mayor Tim Knapp testimony City of Wilsonville
Meeting Material SB 534 Mayor Tim Knapp handout City of Wilsonville
Meeting Material SB 534 Mayor Royce Embanks information packet City of Madras
Presentation SB 534 GBuril testimony of Mayor Royce Embanks City of Madras
Presentation SB 534 Anthony Helbling testimony Wilson Construction Company
Presentation SB 534 Ben Williams testimony Friends of French Prairie
Meeting Material SB 534 Ben Williams information packet Friends of French Prairie
Presentation SB 534 Tony Holt testimony Wilsonville, Oregon resident
Presentation SB 534 Mary Kyle McCurdy testimony 1000 Friends of Oregon
Witness Registration SB 534 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 534 Rob Hallyburton testimony Department of Land Conservation and Development
Presentation SB 534 Ivan Maluski testimony Friends of Family Farmers
Presentation SB 534 DSyrnyk testimony of Jason Franklin Oregon Chapter American Planning Association
Presentation SB 534 Janet Brown testimony Economic Development for Central Oregon
Presentation SB 534 Jeff Rasmussen testimony Jefferson County
Presentation SB 534 Joe Krenowicz testimony Madras-Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce
Presentation SB 534 Mary Rosenblum testimony Oregon Pilots Association
Presentation SB 534 Mickey Killingsworth testimony Jefferson County Farm Bureau
Presentation SB 534 RRobinson testimony of Mayor Brian Hodson City of Canby