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2023-2024 Interim
No proposed amendments have been submitted for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material 2023-24 Interim SLB Committee Rules (adopted) staff
Meeting Material Overview of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries - Christina Stephenson (presentation) Christina Stephenson, Labor Commissioner, Bureau of Labor and Industries
Meeting Material Paid Leave Oregon Implementation - Karen Humelbaugh (presentation) Karen Humelbaugh, Paid Leave Oregon Division Administrator, Oregon Employment Department
Meeting Material Oregon Employment Department Modernization - David Gerstenfeld (presentation) David Gerstenfeld, Director, Oregon Employment Department
Meeting Material State Oregon's Economy and Workforce - Gail Krumenauer (presentation) Gail Krumenauer, State Employment Economist, Oregon Employment Department
Meeting Material State Oregon's Economy and Workforce - Anne Mersereau (presentation) Anne Mersereau, Chair, Workforce & Talent Development Board