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2023-2024 Interim
No proposed amendments have been submitted for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material 2024 SHDEV Legislative Concepts Memo staff
Meeting Material Affordable Housing Land Acquisition Revolving Loan Program - Elsa Natal (presentation) Elsa Natal, Our Just Future
Meeting Material Emergency Rental Assistance Program - Sybil Hebb (presentation) Sybil Hebb, Oregon Law Center
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Bill Van Vliet (one-pager) Bill Van Vliet, Executive Director, Network for Oregon Affordable Housing
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Bill Van Vliet (presentation) Bill Van Vliet, Executive Director, Network for Oregon Affordable Housing
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Greg Wolf (one-pager) Greg Wolf, Housing Innovation Partnership
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Nick Green (presentation) Nick Green, Catalyst Public Policy Advisors
Meeting Material LC0155_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC0157_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC0158_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC0276_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session Sen. Deb Patterson, SD 10
Meeting Material Multi-Service Center and Affordable Housing Pilot - Tim Sinatra, Fariborz Pakseresh (presentation) Heidi Parsons, Executive Coodinator, Family YMCA of Marion and Polk Counties
Meeting Material Recovery Housing - Tony Vezina (presentation) Tony Vezina, 4D Recovery
Meeting Material Shelter Operation Needs - Caleb Yant (POST-MEETING follow-up to member questions) Leann Knapp, Oregon Housing and Community Services
Meeting Material Shelter Operation Needs - Caleb Yant (presentation) Leann Knapp, Oregon Housing and Community Services