2019 Regular Session
Meeting Details 03/21/2019 1:00 PM, HR E
Meeting Materials
Document Type | Measure | Exhibit Title | Submitter | |
Presentation | HB 2328 | Lori Stegmann (testimony) | Lori Stegmann, Commissioner, Multnomah County | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2347 | HB 2347 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2471 | HB 2471 -1 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2472 | HB 2472 -2 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 3005 | HB 3005 -1 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3005 | Amy Joyce (testimony) | Amy Joyce, Legislative Liaison, Oregon Department of Transportation | |
Witness Registration | HB 3005 | HB 3005 (witness registration) | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3005 | Chuck Hayes (testimony) | Chuck Hayes, Chairman, Governor's Advisory Committee on DUII | |
Fiscal Impact Statement | HB 3064 | HB 3064-1 Fiscal Impact Statement | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3064 | Victor Reppeto (testimony) | Victor Reppeto, resident, Salem | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 3338 | HB 3338 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Meeting Material | HB 3338 | Rep. Diego Hernandez (report: Margolis Healy: "PSU: Public Safety Management Study...") | Rep. Diego Hernandez, House District 47 | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Andrew Rogers (testimony) | Andrew Rogers, Communications Director, Oregon Student Association | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Camilo Abreu (testimony) | Camilo Abreu, Legislative Affairs Director, Portland State University Student Government | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Olivia Pace (testimony) | Olivia Pace, student, student worker, member of student government, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Alexander Read (testimony) | Alexander Read, student, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Bill Yang (testimony) | Bill Yang, intern, ASUO; student, University of Oregon | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Mike Reese, John Teague (testimony) | Mike Reese, Sheriff, Multnomah County Sheriff's Office; John Teague, Chief, Keizer Police Department | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Matthew Carmichael (testimony) | Matthew Carmichael, Chief of Police, University of Oregon Police Department | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Talon Kennedy (testimony) | Talon Kennedy, student employee, UO Police Department | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Maria Alejandra Gallegos-Chacon (testimony) | Maria Alejandra Gallegos-Chacon, student body President, ASUO | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Miranda Cunningham (PSU faculty testimony) | Miranda Cunningham, Assistant Professor, Child, Youth, and Family Studies, PSU School of Social Work | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Lisa Hawash (testimony) | Lisa Hawash, Assoc. Professor of Practice, MSW Online Option Coordinator, PSU School of Social Work | |
Witness Registration | HB 3338 | HB 3338 (witness registration) | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Alex Paul (testimony) | Alex Paul, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Andy Gitelson (testimony) | Andy Gitelson, Executive Director, The Oregon Hillel Foundation | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | April Merrill (testimony) | April Merrill, parent and employee, University of Oregon | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Byron M. Trapp (testimony) | Byron M. Trapp, Sheriff, Lane County Sheriff's Office | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Crystal McPheeters (testimony) | Crystal McPheeters, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Dan Whitmore (testimony) | Dan Whitmore, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Dana Macaulay (testimony) | Dana Macaulay, Director of Conduct and Community Standards, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Dave Troppe (testimony) | Dave Troppe, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Derek M. Becker (testimony) | Derek M. Becker, resident, Beaverton | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Donald Forsythe (testimony) | Donald Forsythe, Treasurer, Finance Administration, PSU | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Donnell Tanksley (testimony 2) | Donnell Tanksley, Chief of Police, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Donnell Tanksley (testimony) | Donnell Tanksley, Chief of Police, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Duane Duran (testimony) | Duane Duran, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Emma Stocker (testimony) | Emma Stocker, Director of Emergency Management, Finance Administration, PSU | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Erica Riege (testimony) | Erica Riege, student, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Eriks Gabliks (testimony) | Eriks Gabliks, Director, Department of Public Safety Standards and Training | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Faisal Al-Shokokani (testimony) | Faisal Al-Shokokani, HR Partner, Office of Human Resources, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Hannah Ortloff (testimony) | Hannah Ortloff, student, University of Oregon | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | J. Payne (testimony) | J. Payne, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Jerod Femino (testimony) | Jerod Femino, student, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Joey Nations (testimony) | Joey Nations, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Wendy Weir (testimony) | Wendy Weir, Senior HR Partner, Office of Human Resources, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Jonathon Cavada (testimony) | Jonathon Cavada, student, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Kay Bridges (testimony) | Kay Bridges, resident, Washington County | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Kirk Hays (testimony) | Kirk Hays, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Laura Brown (testimony) | Laura Brown, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Lucia Villafuerte-Espinal (testimony) | Lucia Villafuerte-Espinal, student, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Madeline Reznick (testimony) | Madeline Reznick, student, University of Oregon | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Tan Perkins (testimony) | Tan Perkins, student, University of Oregon | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Marlene Howell (testimony) | Marlene Howell, resident, Portland | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Marshall Scheider (testimony) | Marshall Scheider, student, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Maura Kelly (testimony) | Maura Kelly, Commissioner, Oregon Commission for Women | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Maya Date (testimony) | Maya Date, student, University of Oregon | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Meggie Kirchner (testimony) | Meggie Kirchner, law student, Lewis & Clark Law School | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Mollie Janssen (testimony) | Mollie Janssen, faculty member, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Nicole Geeting (testimony) | Nicole Geeting, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Patricia W. Perlow (testimony) | Patricia W. Perlow, Lane County District Attorney | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Randy Probasco (testimony) | Randy Probasco, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Rebecca Roth (testimony) | Rebecca Roth, resident, Salem | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Richard Vander Velden (testimony) | Richard Vander Velden, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Robert Morris (testimony) | Robert Morris, Chief of Police, Junction City Police Department | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Robert Sanders (testimony) | Robert Sanders, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Roger Kent Kirchner (testimony) | Roger Kent Kirchner, resident, Portland | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Sandy Abercrombie (testimony) | Sandy Abercrombie, resident, Jackson County | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Sarah Ripley (testimony) | Sarah Ripley, Employment Coordinator, Office of Human Resources, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Scott Dillon (testimony) | Scott Dillon, Eugene Police Employee's Association | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Shandi Hunt (testimony) | Shandi Hunt, student, Portland State University; US Navy veteran | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Sharmila Gunasekara (testimony) | Sharmila Gunasekara, mother of University of Oregon student | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Shaun Kohn (testimony) | Shaun Kohn, Smith Memorial Student Union Operations Manager, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Shirley Jackson (testimony) | Shirley Jackson, Chair and Professor, Department of Black Studies, Portland State University | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Shirley Susich (testimony) | Shirley Susich, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Stan Vizina (testimony) | Stan Vizina, resident | |
Presentation | HB 3338 | Steven Barrett (testimony) | Steven Barrett, UOPA President, University of Oregon |