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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 248 -7 Proposed 3/17/2017 5:39 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation SB 248 Gail Meyer testimony Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Witness Registration SB 248 SB 248 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 248 SB 248 -7 preliminary sms staff
Presentation SB 385 Paula Leslie testimony (with pictures) BikePAC of Oregon
Presentation SB 385 Patrick Leyshock letter resident
Meeting Material SB 385 Patrick Leyshock presentation resident
Meeting Material SB 385 Patrick Leyshock study (Motorcycle Lane-splitting and Safety in California) resident
Meeting Material SB 385 Patrick Leyshock presentation (Innovating Our Mobility) resident
Presentation SB 385 Brian Edwards testimony motorcyclist; resident, Portland
Meeting Material SB 385 Brian Edwards presentation motorcyclist; resident, Portland
Presentation SB 385 Nicholas Haris testimony (letter to the Chair) American Motorcyclist Association
Presentation SB 385 Nicholas Haris testimony (letter to Sen. Jeff Kruse) American Motorcyclist Association
Presentation SB 385 Dwight Gibbons testimony motorcycle rider; resident, Florence
Presentation SB 385 Jessica Naylor testimony avid motorcyclist; resident, Portland
Witness Registration SB 385 SB 385 witness registration staff
Presentation SB 385 Bob Russell testimony Oregon Trucking Associations
Presentation SB 385 Andy Goldfine testimony founding organizer, Ride to Work Day
Presentation SB 385 Zander McHade testimony motorcycle rider
Presentation SB 385 Leah Treat testimony Portland Bureau of Transportation
Presentation SB 385 J. Courtney Olive testimony veteran motorcycle rider; former member, Governor’s Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety
Presentation SB 385 J. Courtney Olive letter from Dr. Thomas Rice veteran motorcycle rider; former member, Governor’s Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety
Presentation SB 385 Daniel Kerr testimony motorcyclist; former motorcycle commuter
Presentation SB 385 Laurie Winslow testimony motorcycle rider
Presentation SB 385 Michael Law testimony motorcycle rider
Presentation SB 385 Tim Evinger testimony motorcycle rider; retired Klamath County Sheriff
Presentation SB 385 Suze Riley testimony motorcyle commuter
Presentation SB 385 Steven Rosen testimony city planner; transportation planning student, Portland State University
Presentation SB 385 Scott Simonton letter motorcycle commuter
Presentation SB 385 Robyn Kocienski testimony motorcyle commuter and traveler
Presentation SB 385 Rep. Olson testimony House District 15
Presentation SB 385 Steve Callan testimony resident, Portland
Presentation SB 385 Doug Tiller testimony BikePAC of Oregon
Meeting Material SB 385 Doug Tiller handout (State of Hawaii, House Bill 727) BikePAC of Oregon
Presentation SB 385 Robert Glover testimony motorcycle rider
Preliminary SMS SB 385 SB 385 preliminary sms staff
Witness Registration SB 556 SB 556 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 556 SB 556 preliminary sms staff