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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2643 -1 Proposed 3/8/2017 10:43 AM
HB 2643 -4 Proposed 3/8/2017 10:43 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Children's Institute - Dana Hepper presentation Children's Institute
Meeting Material Children's Institute - Dana Hepper testimony Children's Institute
Meeting Material Children's Institute - Lisa Hamisch testimony for Esmeralda Rios Marion and Polk Early Learning Hub, Inc.
Meeting Material Children's Institute - Dayna Jung presentation (Preschool Promise) Marion and Polk Early Learning Hub, Inc.
Preliminary SMS HB 2643 HB 2643 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2643 HB 2643 - Pat Garett, Geoff Spalding, Travis Hampton testimony Oregon State Sheriff's Association, Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, Oregon State Police
Preliminary SMS HB 2956 HB 2956 Preliminary SMS Staff
Witness Registration HB 2956 HB 2926 witness registration Staff