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2016 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4017 -4 Proposed 2/5/2016 9:36 AM
HB 4017 -5 Proposed 2/5/2016 9:36 AM
HB 4017 -6 Proposed 2/5/2016 10:01 AM
HB 4029 -1 Proposed 2/5/2016 9:37 AM
HB 4016 -1 Adopted 2/1/2016 10:44 AM
HB 4105 -1 Adopted 2/3/2016 12:14 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 4017 Janet Bauer testimony Oregon Center for Public Policy
Presentation HB 4017 Jim Gardner testimony PhRMA
Presentation HB 4017 Dave Underriner testimony Providence Health & Services
Witness Registration HB 4017 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 4017 Alberto Moreno testimony Oregon Latino Health Coalition
Presentation HB 4017 Andrea Salinas testimony SEIU
Presentation HB 4017 Anneliese Koehler testimony Oregon Food Bank
Presentation HB 4017 David Anitok testimony Oregon Marshallese Community
Presentation HB 4017 Jesse Ellis O’Brien testimony OSPIRG
Presentation HB 4017 John Mullen testimony Oregon Law Center
Presentation HB 4017 Karen Levy testimony Linn Benton Health Equity Alliance
Presentation HB 4017 Kianna Angelo testimony CANN
Presentation HB 4017 Kristina Narayan testimony Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
Presentation HB 4017 Laura Etherton testimony Oregon Primary Care Associations
Presentation HB 4017 Linda Roman testimony Oregon Health Equity Alliance
Presentation HB 4017 Mari Watanabe testimony Oregon Advocacy Commissions Office
Presentation HB 4017 Michele Stranger Hunter testimony Oregon Foundation for Reproductive Health
Presentation HB 4017 Norman Turrill testimony League of Women Voters
Witness Registration HB 4029 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 4029 Angela Moreschi testimony City of Beaverton
Presentation HB 4062 Jennifer Vines testimony Multnomah County Health Department
Presentation HB 4108 Rep. Jodi Hack testimony House District 19
Presentation HB 4108 Kate Ropp testimony Oregon Society of Anesthesiologists
Presentation HB 4108 Michael Wray testimony Oregon Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Presentation HB 4108 Michael Wray letters Oregon Association of Nurse Anesthetists
Witness Registration HB 4108 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 4108 Alexa Anderson testimony Texas resident
Presentation HB 4108 Amanda Womack testimony Missouri resident
Presentation HB 4108 Amy Obrecht testimony Georgia resident
Presentation HB 4108 Angela Pittman testimony Georgia resident
Presentation HB 4108 Anna Juanulewicz testimony Georgia resident
Presentation HB 4108 Ben Barfield testimony Colorado resident
Presentation HB 4108 Brandon Way testimony Colorado resident
Presentation HB 4108 Bryant Santos testimony Oregon resident
Meeting Material HB 4108 Caleb Hayes fact sheet 1 American Society of Anesthesiologists
Meeting Material HB 4108 Caleb Hayes fact sheet 2 American Society of Anesthesiologists
Meeting Material HB 4108 Caleb Hayes fact sheet 3 American Society of Anesthesiologists
Meeting Material HB 4108 Caleb Hayes table American Society of Anesthesiologists
Presentation HB 4108 Caroline Horn testimony resident
Presentation HB 4108 Daniel Cole testimony American Society of Anesthesiologists
Presentation HB 4108 David Little testimony Colorado resident
Presentation HB 4108 Haley Herrington testimony South University student
Presentation HB 4108 Elizabeth Block testimony University of Colorado
Presentation HB 4108 Jacob Spilker testimony Colorado resident
Presentation HB 4108 Jane Zaleski testimony Ohio resident
Presentation HB 4108 Jason diMonda testimony resident
Presentation HB 4108 Jenn Baker testimony Oregon Nursing Association
Presentation HB 4108 Jordon Aigner testimony Georgia resident
Presentation HB 4108 Juliette Burnham testimony Carolina resident
Presentation HB 4108 Karen Sibert testimony American Society of Anesthesiologists
Presentation HB 4108 Kendra Fullmer testimony Colorado resident
Presentation HB 4108 Kevin Blick testimony Colorado resident
Presentation HB 4108 Kevin Hall testimony Georgia resident
Presentation HB 4108 Kirsten McMillan testimony Oregon resident
Presentation HB 4108 Leo Bevers testimony Oregon resident
Presentation HB 4108 Leslie Maruri testimony Florida resident
Presentation HB 4108 Luis Gonzalez testimony resident
Presentation HB 4108 Mari Watanabe testimony OR Commission on Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs
Presentation HB 4108 Mark Gilbert testimony Oregon resident
Presentation HB 4108 Phoebe Wong testimony New York resident
Presentation HB 4108 Rep. John Davis testimony House District 26
Presentation HB 4108 Stephanie Guo testimony Texas resident
Presentation HB 4108 Wendy Zhang testimony resident
Meeting Material HB 4141 Rep. Hayden legal analysis House District 7
Presentation HB 4141 Cindy Becker testimony Family Care
Witness Registration HB 4141 Witness Registration staff