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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 7 -1 Proposed 3/10/2015 8:43 AM
SB 7 -2 Adopted 3/17/2015 8:19 AM
SB 608 -1 Proposed 3/16/2015 2:30 PM
SB 415 -1 Adopted 3/25/2015 1:32 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS SB 7 sb 7 prelim
Preliminary SMS SB 224 sb 224 prelim
Presentation SB 415 Justen Rainey Testimony Public Affairs Counsel
Revenue Impact Statement SB 415 Revenue_Impact -1 Staff
Preliminary SMS SB 415 sb415 prelim
Preliminary SMS SB 416 sb 416 prelim
Preliminary SMS SB 608 sb 608 prelim
Presentation SB 757 Bryan Boehringer, Courtni Dresser Testimony Oregon Medical Association
Presentation SB 757 Doug Barber Testimony Oregon Academy of Family Physicians
Presentation SB 757 Doug Barber Testimony 2 Oregon Rural Health Association
Presentation SB 757 Jack Dempsey Testimony Oregon Nurses Association
Witness Registration SB 757 SB 757 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation SB 757 David Walls Testimony Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons of Oregon
Preliminary SMS SB 757 sb 757 prelim
Meeting Material SB 833 Bill Murray FamilyCare Inc.
Witness Registration SB 833 SB 833 Witness Registration Staff
Preliminary SMS SB 833 sb833 prelim
Meeting Material SB 916 Theresa Denham presentation Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Theresa Denham Testimony Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Theresa Denham Testimony 4 Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Meeting Material SB 916 Theresa Denham Video Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Theresa Denham Testimony 5 Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Meeting Material SB 916 Theresa Denham Presentation 2 Oregon Lyme Disease task Force
Presentation SB 916 Theresa Denham Testimony 6 Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Theresa Denham Testimony 7 Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Theresa Denham Testimony 8 Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Theresa Denham Testimony 9 Oregon Lyme Disease task Force
Presentation SB 916 Katie McLaughlin Testimony Physical Therapist, medical researcher
Presentation SB 916 Katie McLaughlin Testimony 2 Patient
Presentation SB 916 Stephen and Mary Jane Heppe Testimony Patient, Doctor
Presentation SB 916 Stephen Heppe Testimony Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Ann Thomas Testimony Oregon Health Authority
Meeting Material SB 916 Beth Schultz Doctor's Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Beth Schultz Testimony resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 916 Mike Dewey Testimony patient, Lyme Disease
Meeting Material SB 916 Chris and Kara Chytka News Report resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 916 Chris and Kara Chytka testimony resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 916 Chris and Kara Chytka testimony 2 resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 916 Chris and Kara Chytka testimony 3 resident, Oregon
Meeting Material SB 916 Kara Chytka Doctors referals Patient, Lyme Disease
Meeting Material SB 916 Sharon Lee PowerPoint Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Sharon Lee Testimony Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Marty Denham Testimony Parent of Lyme Disease patient
Presentation SB 916 Marty Denham Testimony 2 Guidian Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Deb Elder Testimony Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Dillon King Testimony Patient, Oregon
Presentation SB 916 John E. Bruce Testimony Patient
Presentation SB 916 Elizabeth Aaroe Testimony Member Oregon Lyme Disease Network
Presentation SB 916 Elizabeth Aaroe Testimony 2 Member Oregon Lyme Disease Network
Presentation SB 916 Elizabeth Aaroe Testimony 3 Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Presentation SB 916 Elizabeth Aaroe Testimony 4 Oregon Lyme Disease Task Force
Meeting Material SB 916 Patricia Watters Doctor names Guardian of patient
Meeting Material SB 916 Patricia Watters Doctors 2 Guardian Lyme Disease patient
Presentation SB 916 Patricia Watters Testimony Guardian of patient
Witness Registration SB 916 SB 916 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation SB 916 Alene Olson Testimony resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 916 Amy Lev Testimony Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Cheryl Schock Testimony Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Colleen Witzel Testimony Lyme Disease Patient
Presentation SB 916 Daniel Cameron Testimony International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society
Presentation SB 916 Denise M Moudree Testimony Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Dr. Stacey Raffety Testimony Tigard Holistic Clinic
Presentation SB 916 Elaine Walker Testimony Patient
Presentation SB 916 Ellen Fineberg, Ph.D. Testimony Patient and Psychologist
Presentation SB 916 Jessica Brody Testimony Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 K Testimony patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Kathy Testimony Parent of Patient
Presentation SB 916 D Testimony 3 patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Olivia Marie Wachsmuth Testimony RN
Presentation SB 916 Patricia Cokel Testimony Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 Patricia V. Smith Testimony Lyme Disease Association, Inc.
Presentation SB 916 Sabrina Sloan Testimony Patient
Presentation SB 916 Susan Stoner Testimony Patient, Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 DTestimony1 Lyme Disease
Presentation SB 916 DTestimony2 Lyme Disease
Preliminary SMS SB 916 sb 916 prelim