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2015 Regular Session
No proposed amendments are available for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Port of Coos Bay testimony Coos Bay
Meeting Material HB 2279 Witness Registration Staff
Meeting Material ODOT HB 2512 testimony ODOT
Meeting Material BikePac testimony BikePac of Oregon
Meeting Material BikePAC of Oregon Infopacket BikePac of Oregon
Meeting Material BikePac of Oregon European accident study BikePac of Oregon
Meeting Material HB 2512 Witness Registration Staff
Meeting Material BTA HB 2512 testimony BTA
Presentation HB 2279 Martin Callery Testimony Oregon International Port of Coos Bay
Witness Registration HB 2279 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 2512 Troy Costales HB 2512 testimony ODOT
Presentation HB 2512 Paula Leslie Testimony HB 2512 BikePac of Oregon
Meeting Material HB 2512 Paula Leslie Infopacket HB 2512 BikePac of Oregon
Meeting Material HB 2512 Paula Leslie European accident study BikePac of Oregon
Witness Registration HB 2512 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 2512 Jonathan Manton HB 2512 testimony BTA