2015 Regular Session
Meeting Details 03/31/2015 8:00 AM, HR D
Meeting Materials
Document Type | Measure | Exhibit Title | Submitter | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Doug Johnson testimony | CA invasive Plant Council | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Jason Giessow testimony & newsletter | DENDRA, Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Jason Maxfield testimony | Portland State Universtiy | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Kevin Weitemier testimony | resident, Corvallis | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Lauren Quinn testimony & information | University of Illinois | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Lou Ogden testimony | City of Tualatin | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Mandy Tu testimony | Pacific University | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Paul Greer testimony | Texas A&M University | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Rebecca Ball letter | Confed. Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Susan Aldrich-Markham testimony | retired OSU Ag. Ext. Agent; Professor Emeritus | |
Presentation | HB 2183 | Tom Dudley & Adam Lambert testimony | Univ. of CA, Santa Barbara | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Tom Wolf testimony | Trout Unlimited | |
Meeting Material | HB 2589 | Tom Wolf - journal review | Trout Unlimited | |
Meeting Material | HB 2589 | Tom Wolf - IUCN assessment | Trout Unlimited | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Marie Bowers Stagg testimony | Bashaw Land Seed Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Mark Dickman testimony | Dickman Farms | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Scott Dahlman testimony2 | Oregonians for Food and Shelter | |
Witness Registration | HB 2589 | witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Robert Emmons testimony | LandWatch Lane Co. | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Jeff Stone testimony1 | OR Association of Nurseries | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Jeff Stone testimony2 | OR Association of Nurseries | |
Meeting Material | HB 2589 | Jeff Stone - task force exec. summary | OR Association of Nurseries | |
Meeting Material | HB 2589 | Jeff Stone palm card | OR Association of Nurseries | |
Presentation | HB 2589 | Jeff Stone article | OR Association of Nurseries | |
Presentation | HB 2984 | Rep. Parrish-9 letters of support | Rep. Parrish | |
Meeting Material | HB 2984 | Rep. Parrish video link | Rep. Parrish | |
Witness Registration | HB 2984 | 2984,2985 witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2984 | Chris Lyons testimony | Clackamas Co. Board of Commissioners | |
Presentation | HB 2985 | Rep. Parrish-9 letters of support | Rep. Parrish | |
Meeting Material | HB 2985 | Rep. Parrish video link | Rep. Parrish | |
Witness Registration | HB 2985 | 2984,2985 witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2985 | Kent Studebaker testimony | Mayor of Lake Oswego | |
Presentation | HB 2985 | Chris Lyons testimony | Clackamas Co. Board of Commissioners | |
Presentation | HB 2985 | Tim Knapp testimony | Mayor of Wilsonville | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2985 | hb 2985prelim | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3123 | Marie Bowers Stagg testimony | Bashaw Land Seed Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 3123 | Mark Dickman testimony | Dickman Farms | |
Presentation | HB 3123 | Scott Dahlman testimony1 | Oregonians for Food and Shelter | |
Witness Registration | HB 3123 | witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3123 | Joel Iboa testimony | resident | |
Presentation | HB 3123 | Robert Emmons testimony | LandWatch Lane Co. | |
Presentation | HB 3428 | Mark Gourley Testimony | OSU | |
Presentation | HB 3428 | Marie Bowers Stagg testimony | Bashaw Land Seed Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 3428 | Mark Dickman testimony | Dickman Farms | |
Witness Registration | HB 3428 | witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3429 | Mark Gourley Testimony | OSU | |
Presentation | HB 3429 | Marie Bowers Stagg testimony | Bashaw Land Seed Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 3429 | Mark Dickman testimony | Dickman Farms | |
Witness Registration | HB 3429 | witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3430 | Mark Gourley Testimony | OSU | |
Presentation | HB 3430 | Marie Bowers Stagg testimony | Bashaw Land Seed Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 3430 | Mark Dickman testimony | Mark Dickman | |
Witness Registration | HB 3430 | witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3434 | Mark Gourley Testimony | OSU | |
Presentation | HB 3434 | Marie Bowers Stagg testimony | Bashaw Land Seed Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 3434 | Mark Dickman testimony | Dickman Farms | |
Witness Registration | HB 3434 | witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3482 | Marie Bowers Stagg testimony | Basaw Land Seed Inc. | |
Presentation | HB 3482 | Mark Dickman testimony | Dickman Farms | |
Presentation | HB 3482 | Scott Dahlman testimony1 | Oregonians for Food and Shelter | |
Witness Registration | HB 3482 | witness registration | staff | |
Presentation | HB 3482 | Robert Emmons testimony | LandWatch Lane Co. |