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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2678 -1 Not Adopted 2/22/2013 10:48 AM
HB 2104 -2 Not Adopted 2/25/2013 9:41 AM
HB 2093 -3 Not Adopted 4/2/2013 9:46 AM
HB 2691 -1 Not Adopted 2/22/2013 12:18 PM
HB 2691 -2 Not Adopted 2/25/2013 9:43 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2093 BishopB testimony Kaiser Permanente
Presentation HB 2093 HerkertM testimony Or State Archivist
Meeting Material HB 2093 KingK Vital Statistics Act OR Health Authority
Presentation HB 2093 OrdemanW testimony OR Funeral Directors Association
Presentation HB 2104 BaesslerS testimony OR Nurses Assoication
Presentation HB 2104 ConlowE-KingT testimony OR Board of Medical Imaging
Presentation HB 2104 Putnam-HopkinsS testimony OR Society of Radiologic Techs
Witness Registration HB 2104 Witness Registration Staff
Witness Registration HB 2678 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 2691 HoltryB testimony OR Board of Nursing
Presentation HB 2896 EastonA testimony OR Association of Hospitals & Health Systems
Presentation HB 2896 FlynnT testimony American Society for Derm. Surgery Association
Presentation HB 2896 HedbergK testimony OR Health Authority
Presentation HB 2896 HerrigesA Testimony owner, Sun Free, LLC
Presentation HB 2896 HoffmanB testimony OHSU
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2896 IS_Impact
Meeting Material HB 2896 LevyJ informational packet American Suntanning Association
Presentation HB 2896 PierceW testimony OR Medical Association
Witness Registration HB 2896 Witness Registration Staff