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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2027 -2 Adopted 3/6/2013 1:14 PM
HB 2697 1 Adopted 3/6/2013 1:17 PM
HB 3086 -2 Not Adopted 3/8/2013 11:18 AM
HB 3262 -1 Adopted 3/5/2013 1:15 PM
HB 2649 -5 Adopted 3/6/2013 1:16 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2027 DykzeulM testimony Oregon Forest Industries Council
Witness Registration HB 2027 HB 2027 Witness Registration staff
Meeting Material HB 2649 ClemB conflictofintereststatement Rep. Brian Clem
Presentation HB 2697 BassettR testimony Northwest Steelheaders
Presentation HB 2697 MelcherC testimony Department of Fish and Wildlife
Witness Registration HB 2697 HB 2697 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 2697 StaplesB testimony Western Fishing Adventures LTD
Presentation HB 3086 BentzC maps Rep. Cliff Bentz
Presentation HB 3086 PedenG testimony Stoel Rives Lawfirm
Presentation HB 3086 HB3086 Witness Testimony Staff
Presentation HB 3262 RohlederJ testimony of CorbinJ Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission
Presentation HB 3262 FurmanN testimony Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission
Presentation HB 3262 MelcherC testimony Department of Fish and Wildlife
Witness Registration HB 3262 HB 3262 Witness Registration Staff