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2023 Regular Session
At the request of: (at the request of Association of Oregon Counties)
Chief Sponsors: Senator Frederick
Regular Sponsors: (Presession filed.)
Bill Title: Relating to facilities along public roads.
Catchline/Summary: Authorizes county governing body to require and charge fee for permit to construct or alter line, fixture or facility within right of way of public road under jurisdiction of county.
Chapter Number:
Fiscal Impact: May Have Fiscal Impact, But No Statement Yet Issued
Revenue Impact: May Have Revenue Impact, But No Statement Yet Issued
Measure Analysis: Staff Measure Summary / Impact Statements
Current Location: In Senate Committee
Current Committee: Joint Committee On Transportation
Current Subcommittee:
Subsequent Referral(s):
Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanations: Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanation Documents
Measure History
Scheduled Events