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2023 Regular Session
At the request of:
Chief Sponsors: Representative Reynolds
Regular Sponsors: Representative Andersen, Bowman, Dexter, Fahey, Gamba, Kropf, Lively, Marsh, Neron, Nguyen H, Nosse, Owens, Pham H, Pham K, Ruiz, Smith G, Sosa, Tran, Senator Anderson, (Presession filed.)
Bill Title: Relating to financial assistance for early child care infrastructure activities; and declaring an emergency.
Catchline/Summary: Directs Oregon Business Development Department to provide financial assistance to eligible applicants to pay for allowable costs related to early child care infrastructure activities.
Chapter Number: Chapter 523
Fiscal Impact: Fiscal Impact Issued
Revenue Impact: No Revenue Impact
Measure Analysis: Staff Measure Summary / Impact Statements
Current Location: Chapter Number Assigned
Current Committee:
Current Subcommittee:
Subsequent Referral(s):
Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanations: Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanation Documents
Measure History
Scheduled Events