2023 Regular Session
Meeting Details 02/08/2023 3:00 PM, HR C
Committee Action
Public Hearing - Heard
No amendments to display
Staff Analyses and Reports
Document Type | Title | Submitter | Posted Date And Time |
Witness Registration | HB 2571 (witness registration) | staff | 2/9/2023 10:38 AM |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2571 Preliminary SMS | staff | 2/6/2023 9:54 AM |
Presentations Displayed in Committee
No public testimony to display in committee
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title | Submitter | Position | Org. or City of Res | Posted Date And Time |
Testimony | Stephen Gessling | Support | Tigard | 2/2/2023 3:57 PM |
Testimony | Alida Cantor | Support | Portland | 2/2/2023 9:04 PM |
Testimony | Colt Seidman | Support | Portland | 2/3/2023 8:30 AM |
Testimony | Alyssa Koomas | Support | Portland | 2/3/2023 12:46 PM |
Testimony | Nicholas Westendorf | Support | Beaverton | 2/3/2023 1:59 PM |
Testimony | Lisa Schmidt | Support | Portland | 2/3/2023 2:33 PM |
Testimony | Harth Huffman | Oppose | Portland | 2/3/2023 3:15 PM |
Testimony | Reed Buterbaugh | Support | Portland | 2/3/2023 4:34 PM |
Testimony | Nicholas Mediati | Support | Portland | 2/3/2023 8:53 PM |
Testimony | Shawne Martinez, on behalf of BikeLoudPDX | Support | Tigard | 2/4/2023 6:17 AM |
Testimony | Christopher Smith | Support | Portland | 2/4/2023 2:19 PM |
Testimony | Mark Ingalls | Support | Portland | 2/4/2023 8:09 PM |
Testimony | Carol Higginbotham | Support | Bend | 2/4/2023 8:36 PM |
Testimony | Anders Hart | Support | Portland | 2/5/2023 5:04 PM |
Testimony | Christina Joseph | Support | Portland | 2/5/2023 6:18 PM |
Testimony | Cassandra Martin | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 11:40 AM |
Testimony | Pamela Hines | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 12:11 PM |
Testimony | Blake Goud | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 4:22 PM |
Testimony | James Wiley | Support | Tigard | 2/6/2023 5:56 PM |
Testimony | Susan Moray | Unknown | Portland | 2/6/2023 7:19 PM |
Testimony | Alasdair Crawford | Support | Tigard | 2/6/2023 8:36 PM |
Testimony | Michael Hangland-Skill | Support | Happy Valley | 2/6/2023 9:02 PM |
Testimony | Mary Locke | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 9:03 PM |
Testimony | Justyna Goworowska | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 9:16 PM |
Testimony | Larston Petticord | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 10:21 PM |
Testimony | Justus Wallen | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 10:38 PM |
Testimony | Simon Spitler | Support | Portland | 2/6/2023 11:11 PM |
Testimony | Andrea van Ginneken | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 8:06 AM |
Testimony | Josh Linden | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 8:10 AM |
Testimony | Donald Davis | Support | Salem oregon | 2/7/2023 8:40 AM |
Testimony | Robert Galanakis | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 8:41 AM |
Testimony | Dre Williams | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 10:00 AM |
Testimony | Dick Dolgonas | Support | Roseburg | 2/7/2023 10:13 AM |
Testimony | Michael Boyles | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 10:47 AM |
Testimony | Logan Cullums | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 10:54 AM |
Testimony | Erik Kancler, on behalf of City of Bend | Support | City of Bend | 2/7/2023 11:36 AM |
Testimony | Nic Cota | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 11:47 AM |
Testimony | Joseph Stenger, on behalf of Transportation Committee Metro Climate Action Team | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 1:12 PM |
Testimony | ADRIENNE Leverette | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 1:31 PM |
Testimony | Joan Petit | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 2:02 PM |
Testimony | Eva Frazier | Support | Clever Cycles | 2/7/2023 2:05 PM |
Testimony | Gabe Shepherd, on behalf of City of Corvallis | Support | Corvallis | 2/7/2023 2:38 PM |
Testimony | J Tilman | Support | Salem | 2/7/2023 2:47 PM |
Testimony | Rich Peppers | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 3:08 PM |
Testimony | Carrie Leonard | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 4:23 PM |
Testimony | Victoria Paykar, on behalf of Climate Solutions | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 4:26 PM |
Testimony | Celeste Meiffren-Swango | Support | Environment Oregon and OSPIRG | 2/7/2023 5:14 PM |
Testimony | Emily Kemper | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 5:32 PM |
Testimony | Larry Thompson, on behalf of Climate Reality PDX | Support | Climate Reality PDX | 2/7/2023 6:23 PM |
Testimony | Steve Cheseborough | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 8:06 PM |
Letter | Kenath Sponsel | Support | MILWAUKIE | 2/7/2023 8:24 PM |
Letter | John MacArthur | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 8:36 PM |
Testimony | Tegan Valo | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 8:41 PM |
Testimony | Devon Lawson-McCourt | Support | Vida | 2/7/2023 9:27 PM |
Testimony | Brandon High | Support | Beaverton | 2/7/2023 9:42 PM |
Testimony | Taizz Medalia | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 9:55 PM |
Testimony | Jared White | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 10:04 PM |
Testimony | Jane Stackhouse | Support | Portland | 2/7/2023 11:58 PM |
Testimony | David Binnig, on behalf of BikeLoud PDX | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 4:57 AM |
Testimony | Mark Stuller | Support | Salem | 2/8/2023 5:10 AM |
Testimony | Ian Davidson, on behalf of Salem Bike Vision | Support | Salem Bike Vision | 2/8/2023 7:16 AM |
Testimony | Mayor Paul Blackburn, on behalf of Mayors office | Support | Hood River | 2/8/2023 8:09 AM |
Testimony | William Pooser | Support | Hillsboro | 2/8/2023 8:38 AM |
Testimony | Barrett Brown | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 8:42 AM |
Testimony | Megan Ramey, on behalf of Hood River County School District | Support | Hood River | 2/8/2023 8:47 AM |
Testimony | Stephen Galliver | Support | Eugene | 2/8/2023 9:06 AM |
Testimony | Robert Feiler, on behalf of Umpqua Velo Club | Support | Roseburg | 2/8/2023 9:14 AM |
Testimony | Zachary Lesher | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 10:13 AM |
Testimony | Taylor Steenblock, on behalf of Multnomah County Sustainability and Health | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 10:22 AM |
Testimony | Mariah Lynch | Support | PORTLAND | 2/8/2023 10:40 AM |
Testimony | Peter Cornelison | Support | Hood River | 2/8/2023 12:02 PM |
Testimony | Aaron Kuehn | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 12:29 PM |
Testimony | Peter Laciano | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 12:30 PM |
Testimony | Alex Thebert | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 12:38 PM |
Testimony | Eldo Varghese | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 1:09 PM |
Testimony | James Caplan | Support | Roseburg | 2/8/2023 1:44 PM |
Testimony | Richard Sheperd | Support | EBike Oregon Coalition | 2/8/2023 2:07 PM |
Report | Dacia Grayber | Unknown | Oregon House of Representatives | 2/8/2023 2:54 PM |
Testimony | Matchu Williams | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 3:11 PM |
Testimony | Estelle Morley | Support | Milwaukie | 2/8/2023 3:44 PM |
Testimony | Megan Ramey | Support | Hood River County School District | 2/8/2023 4:15 PM |
Testimony | Michael Hendrickson | Oppose | Tigard | 2/8/2023 4:16 PM |
Testimony | Rob Zako, on behalf of Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation | Support | Eugene | 2/8/2023 4:19 PM |
Testimony | Shane Rhodes, on behalf of City of Eugene | Support | Eugene | 2/8/2023 4:28 PM |
Testimony | Helen Hitt, on behalf of Charles Suniga customer | Support | Cynergy E-Bikes | 2/8/2023 4:28 PM |
Testimony | Jonathan Owens | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 6:30 PM |
Testimony | Stuart Elmer | Support | Portland | 2/8/2023 7:47 PM |
Testimony | Kevin Schaper | Support | Springfield | 2/8/2023 8:26 PM |
Testimony | Ashley Seaward | Support | PeopleForBikes | 2/9/2023 8:37 AM |
Testimony | Paul Runge | Support | Portland | 2/9/2023 8:39 AM |
Testimony | Anneliese Koehler, on behalf of Metro | Support | Metro | 2/9/2023 9:01 AM |
Testimony | Jody Wiser | Neutral | Tax Fairness Oregon | 2/9/2023 9:25 AM |
Testimony | Shane Rhodes, on behalf of City of Eugene | Support | Eugene | 2/9/2023 9:36 AM |
Testimony | James Kammeyer, on behalf of New World eBikes | Support | Gresham | 2/9/2023 9:48 AM |
Testimony | KATHY MCCORD | Support | Bend | 2/9/2023 12:59 PM |
Testimony | Melissa Kostelecky | Support | Portland | 2/9/2023 1:52 PM |
Letter | Cameron Bennett | Support | Portland | 2/9/2023 3:49 PM |
Testimony | Jacqui Treiger | Support | Oregon Environmental Council | 2/9/2023 5:13 PM |
Testimony | Andre Lightsey-Walker, on behalf of The Street Trust | Support | Portland | 2/10/2023 6:37 AM |
Testimony | Erich Harjo | Support | Hood River | 2/10/2023 8:47 AM |
Letter | Jacob Sherman, on behalf of City of Portland | Support | City of Portland | 2/10/2023 12:45 PM |
Testimony | Steph Routh | Support | Community Cycling Center | 2/10/2023 1:16 PM |
Testimony | Dave Roth, on behalf of Tigard Transportation Advisory Committee | Unknown | Tigard | 2/10/2023 2:59 PM |
- The views and opinions expressed in the Public Testimony submitted are those of the submitter and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Oregon Legislature.
- Identifying information provided by the submitter on the Submit Public Testimony form determines the submission title and the submitter associated with the testimony/input file in OLIS. The Oregon Legislature makes no claims that information entered on this form is valid or accurate.
- Input submitted through the Oregon Legislature’s Submit Public Testimony System is run through an initial virus and malware scan. If a possible virus or malware is detected, the file is deleted and not uploaded to OLIS. The Oregon Legislature makes no claims that public input files in OLIS are virus or malware free. We therefore recommend that prior to opening files in OLIS, you ensure the security software on your computer is up to date.