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2023-2024 Interim
No proposed amendments have been submitted for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material HJUD 2023-2024 Interim Committee Rules (adopted) staff
Meeting Material DOC Gender Informed Practices - Heidi Steward (presentation) Heidi Steward, Acting Director, Oregon Department of Corrections
Meeting Material DOC Gender Informed Practices - Mia Ruston (presentation) Mia Ruston, Gender Responsive Policy Analyst, Office of the Governor
Meeting Material DOC Gender Informed Practices - Mia Ruston (GIPA Coffee Creek report) Mia Ruston, Gender Responsive Policy Analyst, Office of the Governor
Meeting Material Public Defense Services Update - Jessica Kampfe and Lisa Taylor (presentation) Lisa Taylor, Government Relations Manager, Office of Public Defense Services
Meeting Material Crime Rates and Recidivism Rates - Ken Sanchagrin (presentation) Ken Sanchagrin, Executive Director, Oregon Criminal Justice Commission
Meeting Material Community Corrections Funding Models and Population Needs - Nate Gaoiran (presentation) Nate Gaoiran, Community Corrections Director, Washington County
Meeting Material Industrial Hemp Regulations and Enforcement - Rosetta Shatkin (presentation) Rosetta Shatkin, Government Relations Director, Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission
Meeting Material Industrial Hemp Regulations and Enforcement - Nathan Sickler (presentation) Nathan Sickler, Sheriff, Jackson County