2022 Regular Session
Meeting Details 02/21/2022 3:15 PM, Remote D
Revision 1, Posted on 2/18/2022 at 9:40 AM
Current Agenda Status
02/21/2022 3:15 PM ,
Remote D
All committee meetings are taking place remotely.
To view a live stream of the meeting:
A viewing station is also available at the Capitol Building.
Instructions on how to submit written testimony and how to register to testify appear at the bottom of the agenda.
Times below reflect tentative start times for each item. Committee chairs may, at their discretion, reschedule or alter agendas to accommodate committee business.
Public Hearing
(3:15 pm) Specifies reimbursement that must be paid by insurers covering universal newborn nurse home visiting services.
SB 1529 A(3:35 pm) Allows volunteer qualified health care providers to administer health care services in this state during health care emergency.
Note change: SB 1529 A has been added.
Submit written testimony on a bill or topic scheduled for a public hearing:
• Electronic: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2022R1/Testimony/HHC
• Mail: House Health Care,
900 Court Street NE, Room 453, Salem, OR 97301
Written testimony may be submitted up to 24 hours after the meeting start time.
Register to testify live remotely:
• Registration is required to testify by phone or video.
• Register online: https://survey.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eLfXZ9MiFIw0kNU
You will see a confirmation screen and be sent an email with information on how to join the
meeting. If you do not, contact the committee assistant.
• Register by phone: 833-588-4500 (U.S. toll free). You will be given a phone number to call into the meeting.
• Registration closes one hour before the meeting is scheduled to begin.
• A public access kiosk is at the Capitol Building for anyone without access
to a phone or computer to join a meeting by video.
• Neither registration nor use of the public access kiosk is a guarantee that you will be able to
testify during the meeting. Committee chairs may determine that public testimony must be
limited. For this reason, written testimony is encouraged even if you plan to speak.
• Unless otherwise noted on the agenda, testimony is only accepted by committees for bills or
topics scheduled for a public hearing. See the Oregon Legislature’s website for information on
contacting individual legislators directly on bills or topics not scheduled for a public hearing.
Request Language Access Services (interpreter/translation/CART):
Please submit a request for language services a minimum of 2 days prior to the start of a public hearing. Additional time may be required to fulfill some requests.
Chair | Representative Rachel Prusak |
Vice-Chair | Representative Cedric Hayden |
Vice-Chair | Representative Andrea Salinas |
Member | Representative Teresa Alonso Leon |
Member | Representative Wlnsvey Campos |
Member | Representative Maxine Dexter |
Member | Representative Raquel Moore-Green |
Member | Representative Ron Noble |
Member | Representative Sheri Schouten |
Member | Representative Suzanne Weber |
LPRO Analyst | Brian Nieubuurt | 503-986-1509 |
Committee Assistant | Erica Schroeder | 503-986-1517 |