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2020 1st Special Session
At the request of: (at the request of Joint Committee on the First Special Session of 2020)
Chief Sponsors: Senator Courtney, Gelser
Regular Sponsors: Senator Hass, Manning Jr, Monnes Anderson, Representative Dexter, Hayden, Helt, Keny-Guyer, Nosse, Post, Prusak, Salinas, Schouten, Smith DB, Wilde, Zika
Bill Title: Relating to health care; and declaring an emergency.
Catchline/Summary: Prohibits hospital from conditioning admission or treatment, or suggesting that treatment is conditioned, on patient having POLST or executing advance directive or other instruction regarding administration, withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining procedures or artificially administered nutrition and hydration.
Chapter Number: Chapter 20
Fiscal Impact: Has Minimal Fiscal Impact
Revenue Impact: No Revenue Impact
Measure Analysis: Staff Measure Summary / Impact Statements
Current Location: Chapter Number Assigned
Current Committee:
Current Subcommittee:
Subsequent Referral(s):
Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanations: Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanation Documents
Measure History
Scheduled Events