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2020 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4065 -1 Proposed 2/19/2020 12:36 PM
HB 4065 -2 Proposed 2/19/2020 5:11 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 4013 HB 4013 A Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 4013 HB 4013 A (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 4013 Jenn Lauder (testimony) Jenn Lauder, Director of Marketing and Advocacy, PDX Aromatics
Witness Registration HB 4058 HB 4058 A (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4058 HB 4058 A Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4065 HB 4065 -1, -2 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 4065 HB 4065 (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 4065 Matt Newell-Ching (testimony) Matt Newell-Ching, Public Affairs Director, Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon; Oregon Food Bank
Presentation HB 4065 Niki Terzieff (testimony) Niki Terzieff, Justice Action Network
Meeting Material HB 4065 Alex Cuyler (graph) Alex Cuyler, Manager, Intergovernmental Relations, Lane County
Presentation HB 4065 Jad Lemhouse (testimony) Jad Lemhouse, Justice of the Peace (Ret.), Brownsville
Presentation HB 4065 Chloe Eudaly (testimony) Chloe Eudaly, Commissioner, Portland Bureau of Transportation
Presentation HB 4065 Chris Coughlin (testimony) Chris Coughlin, Legislative Director, Our Children Oregon
Presentation HB 4065 Danielle Sobel and Marty Carty (testimony) Danielle Sobel and Marty Carty, Oregon Primary Care Association
Presentation HB 4065 Elizabeth A. Farrar (testimony) Elizabeth A. Farrar, Judge, Gilliam County
Presentation HB 4065 Fay Schuler (testimony) Fay Schuler, Executive Director, Call To Safety
Presentation HB 4065 Janet Merrell (testimony) Janet Merrell, Executive Director, Community Action Partnership of Oregon
Presentation HB 4065 Kathy Stinnett (testimony 2) Kathy Stinnett, Justice of the Peace, Grant County
Presentation HB 4065 Kathy Stinnett (testimony) Kathy Stinnett, Justice of the Peace, Grant County
Presentation HB 4065 Lindsay Baker (testimony) Lindsay Baker, Assistant Director, Oregon Department of Transportation
Presentation HB 4065 Mae Lee Browning (testimony) Mae Lee Browning, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Presentation HB 4065 Michele Roland-Schwartz (testimony) Michele Roland-Schwartz, Executive Director, Oregon Attorney General's Sexual Assault
Presentation HB 4065 Ron McDermid (testimony) Ron McDermid, Justice of the Peace, Sherman County
Presentation HB 4065 Susannah Morgan (testimony) Susannah Morgan, Oregon Food Bank
Presentation HB 4065 Warren Light (testimony) Rev. Warren Light, Pastor, Spirit of the Valley United Methodist Church
Witness Registration HB 4125 HB 4125 A (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4125 HB 4125 A Preliminary SMS staff