Testimony submitted for Bill Sessions prior to the 2021 Regular Session can be found in the Presentations Displayed in Committee section on this page.
Submitted Written Public Testimony
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Presentations Displayed in Committee
Title | Submitter | Meeting | Committee |
Bobby Schindler (testimony) | Bobby Schindler, President, Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Bud Pierce (testimony) | Bud Pierce, Medical Hematologist and Oncologist, Salem | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Kenneth R. Stevens, Jr. (testimony) | Kenneth Stevens Jr., radiation oncologist, Clackamas County | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Matt Whitaker (testimony) | Matt Whitaker, Director, Integrated Programs, Compassion and Choices | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Jessica L. Stanton (testimony) | Jessica L. Stanton, Oregon Right to Life | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Diane Coleman (testimony) | Diane Coleman, President, Chief Executive Officer, Not Dead Yet | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
John B. Kelly (testimony) | John B. Kelly, New England Regional Director, Not Dead Yet | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Satya Chandragiri (testimony) | Satya Chandragiri, psychiatrist, Harney County and Douglas County | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Peg Sandeen (testimony) | Peg Sandeen, Executive Director, Death With Dignity National Center and Political Fund | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Tim Serban (testimony) | Tim Serban, Chief Mission Integration Officer, Providence Health and Services, Oregon Region | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
George Eighmey (testimony) | George Eighmey, former Representative; Board President, Death with Dignity National Center | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Richard M. Doerflinger (testimony) | Richard M. Doerflinger, Charlotte Lozier Institute; University of Notre Dame, National Catholic... | 3/19/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
Dave Simmons (testimony) | Dave Simmons, resident, Dallas | 4/9/2019 | House Committee On Health Care |
David A. Nardone (testimony) | David A. Nardone, MD; retired internist, Hillsboro | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Donna Routh (testimony) | Donna Routh, registered nurse, Beaverton | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Margaret Dore (testimony 2) | Margaret Dore, attorney, Seattle, Washington | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Margaret Dore (testimony 1) | Margaret Dore, attorney, Seattle, Washington | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Kenneth R. Stevens, Jr. (testimony) | Kenneth R. Stevens, Jr., Emeritus Professor, Radiation Oncology, Oregon Health & Science University | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Jessica Stanton (testimony) | Jessica Stanton, Public Affairs, Oregon Right to Life | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
David Grube (testimony) | David Grube, National Medical Director, Compassion and Choices | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Charles Lobdell (testimony) | Charles Lobdell, retired certified registered nurse anesthetist | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Geoff Sugerman (testimony) | Geoff Sugerman, Death with Dignity National Center | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Satya Chandragiri (article: "Capacity Evaluations of Psychiatric Patients...") | Satya Chandragiri, psychiatrist, Harney and Douglas Counties | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Satya Chandragiri (article: "Drug Company Jacks Up Cost Of Aid-In-Dying Medication") | Satya Chandragiri, psychiatrist, Harney and Douglas Counties | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Satya Chandragiri (testimony 1) | Satya Chandragiri, psychiatrist, Harney and Douglas Counties | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Satya Chandragiri (testimony 2) | Satya Chandragiri, psychiatrist, Harney and Douglas Counties | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Sam DeWitt (testimony) | Sam DeWitt, Oregon Access Campaign Manager, Compassion & Choice | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
William Toffler (testimony) | William Toffler, physician; professor emeritus, OHSU; National Director, PCC | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Charles Blanke (testimony) | Charles Blanke, medical oncologist, end-of-life specialist, Oregon Health and Science University | 5/9/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Floor Letters
Chamber | Description | Submitter(s) | Measure | Third Reading | Submitted | |
House | Medical Professionals Oppose HB 2217 | Rep Reschke | HB 2217 | 4/18/2019 | ||
House | Opposition to HB 2217 | Rep Sprenger | HB 2217 | 4/18/2019 | ||
House | Vote NO on HB 2217 | Rep Reschke | HB 2217 | 4/22/2019 | ||
House | Vote NO on HB 2217 | Rep Nearman | HB 2217 | 4/22/2019 |
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HB 2217
Senate Committee On Judiciary
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Measure Not Scheduled for Public Testimony
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Measure Not Scheduled for Public Testimony
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