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2019 Regular Session
Staff Measure Summary
Revenue Impact Statement
Fiscal Impact Statement
Budget Report

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Open Government Impact Statement
Staff Analyses and Reports
Title Document Type Exhibit Submitter Meeting Committee
SB 595 Preliminary SMS Preliminary SMS 4 Staff 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Albany Visitors Association Meeting Material SNH Rebecca Bond 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
La Pine Chamber Meeting Material SNH Teri Myers 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Martha Taylor Signitures Meeting Material SNH Martha Taylors 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Michelle Kaufmann Meeting Material SNH Michelle Kaufmann 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Tillamook Visitors Association Meeting Material SNH Valerie Folkema 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Sal Peralta, MWVCOG, McMinnville City Council Meeting Material SNH Sal Peralta 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Roseburg Area Chamber Opposition Meeting Material SNH Debbie Fromdahl 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
Witness Registration Witness Registration WR LRO 3/19/2019 Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue
SB 595 (revenue impact statement) Revenue Impact Statement staff 3/4/2019 Senate Committee On Housing
SB 595 Preliminary SMS Preliminary SMS staff 3/4/2019 Senate Committee On Housing
SB 595 (revenue impact statement) Revenue Impact Statement staff 2/25/2019 Senate Committee On Housing
SB 595 Preliminary SMS Preliminary SMS staff 2/25/2019 Senate Committee On Housing
SB 595 Preliminary SMS Preliminary SMS staff 2/18/2019 Senate Committee On Housing
SB 595 (witness registration) Witness Registration 11 staff 2/18/2019 Senate Committee On Housing