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2019 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2902 -A3 Adopted 5/21/2019 3:07 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2326 HB 2326 Preliminary SMS staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2902 HB 2902 -A3 (fiscal impact statement) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2902 HB 2902 -A3 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2967 HB 2967 A Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2967 Diego Hernandez (Oregonian article: "Female CEOs proliferate in Oregon...") Rep. Diego Hernandez, House District 47
Meeting Material HB 2967 Diego Hernandez (podcast link ) Rep. Diego Hernandez, House District 47
Presentation HB 2967 Diego Hernandez (Portland Tribune article: "Gov. Brown, Google team up to urge students to...") Rep. Diego Hernandez, House District 47
Presentation HB 2967 Jill Hubbard (testimony) Jill Hubbard, OSU; President, Oregon CSTA; Co-Principal Investigator, Computer Science for Oregon
Presentation HB 2967 Joanna Goode (testimony) Joanna Goode, professor, Univ. of Oregon; Co-Principal Investigator, Computer Science for Oregon
Preliminary SMS SB 456 SB 456 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation SB 456 Mary Bonner (testimony) Mary Bonner, Essential Skills Coordinator, Woodburn High School
Presentation SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (testimony) Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Presentation SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (EdSource article: "California joins trend among states to abandon...") Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Presentation SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (EdSource article: "High school diplomas at last for students who failed exit exam") Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Meeting Material SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (policy analysis: "Effect of High School Exit Exams on Graduation, Employment...") Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Meeting Material SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (policy analysis: "Evidence on the Use of Test-Based Incentives") Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Meeting Material SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (policy analysis: "Predicting College Success How Do Different High School...") Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Meeting Material SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (policy analysis: "The Case Against Exit Exams") Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Meeting Material SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (policy analysis of John Steach, Evergreen School District - WA) Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Meeting Material SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (policy statement of various education representatives and business organizations) Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Presentation SB 456 Kathleen Jeskey (testimony 2) Kathleen Jeskey, retired teacher, Canby
Witness Registration SB 456 SB 456 (witness registration) staff
Presentation SB 456 Betsy Salter (testimony) Betsy Salter, parent, Portland
Presentation SB 456 Carol Greenough (testimony) Carol Greenough, Ph.D., Tualatin
Presentation SB 456 Deb Mayer (testimony) Deb Mayer, retired teacher, Portland
Presentation SB 456 Larry Lewin (testimony) Larry Lewin, retired teacher, Eugene; member, Community Alliance for Public Education (CAPE)
Presentation SB 456 Paul “Pat” Eck (testimony) Paul “Pat” Eck, member, Oregon Public Education Network; Oregon Retired Educators Association
Presentation SB 456 Roscoe Caron (testimony) Roscoe Caron, resident, Eugene
Presentation SB 456 Scott Hays (testimony) Scott Hays, retired teacher, Oregon City
Presentation SB 456 Susan Droke (testimony) Susan Droke, high school language arts teacher, Woodburn