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2019 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2696 -1 Proposed 5/30/2019 12:31 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material HB 2696 Jane Horvath (presentation - State Prescription Drug Affordability Board) Jane Horvath, Horvath Health Policy
Presentation HB 2696 Jane Horvath (testimony to Massachusetts Joint Health Committee) Jane Horvath, Horvath Health Policy
Meeting Material HB 2696 Samuel Metz (presentation - How Do Medications Get from Manufacturer to Patient) Samuel Metz, physician, Oregon Physicians for a National Health Program
Presentation HB 2696 John Mullin (testimony) John Mullin, AARP Oregon
Presentation HB 2696 Numi Lee Griffith (testimony) Numi Lee Griffith, Health Care Advocate, Oregon State Public Interest Research Group
Meeting Material HB 2696 Numi Lee Griffith (report from U.S. PIRG - The Real Price of Medications) Numi Lee Griffith, Health Care Advocate, Oregon State Public Interest Research Group
Presentation HB 2696 Catie Thiesen (testimony) Catie Thiesen, Oregon Nurses Association
Presentation HB 2696 Robert Judge (testimony) Robert Judge, Director, Pharmacy Services, Moda Health