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2019 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2630 -1 Proposed 2/11/2019 10:00 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2140 HB 2140 (revenue impact statement) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2140 HB 2140 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2629 HB 2629 Preliminary SMS staff
Meeting Material HB 2629 Chad A. Ludwig (handout) Chad A. Ludwig, representative, deaf or hard of hearing community
Witness Registration HB 2629 HB 2629 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2630 HB 2630 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2630 HB 2630 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2632 HB 2632 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2632 HB 2632 (witness registration) staff