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2019 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2098 -1 Proposed 3/4/2019 10:05 AM
HB 2233 -2 Proposed 3/7/2019 11:17 AM
HB 2233 -3 Proposed 3/11/2019 4:16 PM
HB 2909 -1 Proposed 3/12/2019 9:18 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2098 Peater Kramyer (testimony) Peater Kramyer, Mercy Center
Witness Registration HB 2098 HB 2098 (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 2098 Adam J. Smith (testimony) Adam J. Smith, Founder, Craft Cannabis Alliance
Presentation HB 2098 Les Helgeson (testimony) Les Helgeson, Green Hills LLC
Preliminary SMS HB 2098 HB 2098 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2233 Brandon Goldner (testimony) Brandon Goldner, Supervisor, Cannabis Program, City of Portland
Presentation HB 2233 Meredith Shield (testimony) Meredith Shield, Oregon Cannabis Association
Presentation HB 2233 Karen Ard (testimony) Karen Ard, Tobacco Prevention and Education Program Coordinator, Deschutes County; CLHO
Presentation HB 2233 Alex Cuyler (testimony) Alex Cuyler, Intergovernmental Relations Manager, Lane County
Presentation HB 2233 Trevor Beltz (testimony) Trevor Beltz, Associate Director of Government Relations, Oregon Medical Association
Presentation HB 2233 Cynthia Gaffney (testimony) Cynthia Gaffney, Independent Media Producer; Drug Law Reform Advocate
Presentation HB 2233 Christopher Friend (testimony) Christopher Friend, Oregon Government Relations Director, American Cancer Society
Witness Registration HB 2233 HB 2233 (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 2233 Aaron Mink (testimony) Aaron Mink, The Cannabis Farm
Meeting Material HB 2233 anonymous anonymous, affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 2233 Andrea Almeida (testimony) Andrea Almeida, resident, Portland
Presentation HB 2233 Angela Bacca (testimony) Angela Bacca, Board of Directors, Oregon National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Presentation HB 2233 Carlton Bone (testimony) Carlton Bone, Founder, Upward Cannabis Kitchen
Presentation HB 2233 Catie Theisen (testimony) Catie Theisen, Political Organizer, Oregon Nurses Association
Presentation HB 2233 Chuck Hayes (testimony) Chuck Hayes, Chairman, Governor’s Advisory Committee on Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants
Presentation HB 2233 Ellen Velez (testimony) Ellen Velez, Policy Coordinator, Vibrant Future Coalition Prevention
Presentation HB 2233 Geoff Sugerman (testimony) Geoff Sugerman, Chief Compliance Officer, Groundworks
Presentation HB 2233 Gretchen Pederson (testimony) Gretchen Pederson, resident, Deschutes County
Presentation HB 2233 Jennifer Vines (testimony) Jennifer Vines, Deputy Health Officer, Multnomah County Health Department
Presentation HB 2233 JH Finck (testimony) JH Finck, resident, Bend
Presentation HB 2233 Kimberly McCullough (testimony) Kimberly McCullough, Policy Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon
Presentation HB 2233 Matt Lawson (testimony) Matt Lawson, Wild Flowers Farm
Presentation HB 2233 Nathan Howard (testimony) Nathan Howard, Co-Founder, East Fork Cultivars
Presentation HB 2233 Oregon National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (testimony) The Board of Directors, Oregon National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Presentation HB 2233 Paula Hawes (testimony) Paula Hawes, resident, Oregon
Presentation HB 2233 Preserve Deschutes County (testimony) Preserve Deschutes County
Presentation HB 2233 Shirley Morgan (testimony) Shirley Morgan, affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 2233 Steve Shumate (testimony) Steve Shumate, resident, Portland
Presentation HB 2233 Sunnie Day Sanchez (testimony) Sunnie Day Sanchez, resident, Benton County
Preliminary SMS HB 2233 HB 2233 -2, -3 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2909 Jesse Bontecou (testimony) Jesse Bontecou, Deputy Director, Oregon Retailers of Cannabis Association
Witness Registration HB 2909 HB 2909 (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 2909 Andrew Hoan (testimony) Andrew Hoan, President, Portland Business Alliance
Presentation HB 2909 Julie Widmer (testimony) Julie Widmer, Co-Owner, Kaleafa Cannabis Company
Presentation HB 2909 Peggy Anderson (testimony) Peggy Anderson, Founder, Canna Help You?
Presentation HB 2909 Warren Newberry (testimony) Warren Newberry, President, Technology Association of Oregon
Preliminary SMS HB 2909 HB 2909 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3067 HB 3067 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 3211 Derek Smith (testimony) Derek Smith, Executive Director, Resource Innovation Institute
Witness Registration HB 3211 HB 3211 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3211 HB 3211 Preliminary SMS staff