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2018 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4059 -2 Proposed 2/23/2018 6:28 PM
HB 4059 -9 Proposed 2/26/2018 1:43 PM
HB 4059 -10 Proposed 2/26/2018 3:54 PM
HB 4062 -A6 Adopted 2/23/2018 2:54 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material HB 4059 HB 4059 -10 amendment matrix (2-26-18) Staff
Presentation HB 4059 Matthew Garrett testimony Oregon Department of Transportation
Preliminary SMS HB 4059 HB 4059 -10 Preliminary SMS Staff
Meeting Material HB 4059 HB 4059 -2 amendment matrix (2-23-18) Staff
Meeting Material HB 4059 HB 4059 -9 amendment matrix (2-26-18) Staff
Meeting Material HB 4062 HB 4062 -A6 RIS Staff
Presentation HB 4062 Amy Joyce Testimony Oregon Department of Transportation
Witness Registration HB 4062 HB 4062A witness registration Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4062 HB 4062 A -A6 Preliminary SMS Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4064 HB 4064 A Preliminary SMS Staff
Witness Registration HB 4064 HB 4064A witness registration Staff