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2018 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4041 -1 Proposed 1/31/2018 4:32 PM
HB 4041 -2 Proposed 2/8/2018 1:20 PM
HB 4042 -2 Proposed 1/31/2018 4:35 PM
HB 4042 -3 Proposed 2/8/2018 3:29 PM
HB 4043 -1 Adopted 2/5/2018 3:52 PM
HB 4053 -1 Proposed 2/7/2018 9:12 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 4041 HB 4041 -1 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 4041 Logan A. Poynor testimony Oregon Association of the Deaf, Inc.
Presentation HB 4041 Paloma Sparks testimony Oregon Resource Association (ORA)
Meeting Material HB 4041 Paloma Sparks report (Sheltered Workshop Closures and Client Use of Services) Oregon Resource Association (ORA)
Witness Registration HB 4041 HB 4041 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 4041 Cherryl L. Ramirez testimony Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs (AOCMHP)
Presentation HB 4041 Jeanné Niphanprasart testimony resident, Salem
Preliminary SMS HB 4042 HB 4042 -2 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 4042 Chair Reardon testimony from Keith Leavitt Port of Portland
Meeting Material HB 4042 Andrew McGough presentation Worksystems, Inc.
Presentation HB 4042 Andrew McGough testimony Worksystems, Inc.
Presentation HB 4042 Norman Eder testimony Manufacturing 21 Coalition
Presentation HB 4042 Dawn Swan testimony participant, SE Works
Presentation HB 4042 Jim McCauley testimony Washington County
Witness Registration HB 4042 HB 4042 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 4042 Eric Chambers testimony City of Gresham
Presentation HB 4042 Glenn Dahl testimony SE Works
Presentation HB 4042 James Paulson testimony Work Systems Inc.; Portland Metro Workforce Development Board
Presentation HB 4042 Rachel Solotaroff testimony Central City Concern
Preliminary SMS HB 4043 HB 4043 preliminary SMS staff
Meeting Material HB 4043 Mark Mitsui fact sheet Portland Community College
Presentation HB 4043 Jonah Hakanson testimony resident, Klamath Falls
Witness Registration HB 4043 HB 4043 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 4043 Kaitlin Hakanson testimony Student Engagement & Leadership Coordinator, Social Sciences Adjunct Faculty, KCC
Presentation HB 4043 Rebekah Dodson testimony resident, Klamath Falls; instructor, Klamath Community College
Preliminary SMS HB 4053 HB 4053 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 4053 Parasa Chanramy testimony Stand for Children
Witness Registration HB 4053 HB 4053 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 4053 Aidan Whittemore and Karen Partida testimony students, West Linn High School
Presentation HB 4053 Amelia Ernst testimony Oregon Student Voice (OSV)
Presentation HB 4053 Cassandra Hayt testimony Oregon Business and Industry
Presentation HB 4053 Konner Knudsen testimony student, Portland State University
Presentation HB 4053 Ricardo Lujan Valerio testimony Oregon Student Association
Preliminary SMS HB 4153 HB 4153 preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 4153 HB 4153 witness registration staff