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2018 Regular Session
No proposed amendments are available for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Merger of PEBB and OEBB - Sen. Betsy Johnson, Shaun Parkman, and Geoff Brown presentation Oregon Health Authority; Oregon Educators Benefit Board; Public Employees Benefits Board
Meeting Material Merger of PEBB and OEBB - Sen. Betsy Johnson, Shaun Parkman, and Geoff Brown report Oregon Health Authority; Oregon Educators Benefit Board; Public Employees' Benefits Board
Presentation HB 4146 Rep. Hayden journal article Rep. Cedric Hayden, House District 7
Meeting Material HB 4146 Rep. Hayden report Rep. Cedric Hayden, House District 7
Presentation HB 4146 Rep. Hayden testimony Rep. Cedric Hayden, House District 7
Presentation HB 4146 Randy Miller testimony resident, Eugene
Presentation HB 4146 Randy Miller and Philip Romero testimony residents, Eugene
Presentation HB 4146 Donna Bleiler testimony affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 4146 Lillian Shirley testimony Public Health Division, Oregon Health Authority
Presentation HB 4146 Rodney Stubbs testimony affiliation unknown
Presentation HB 4146 Thomas A. Briant testimony National Association of Tobacco Outlets
Presentation HB 4146 William C. Girard testimony Plaid Pantries, Inc.; Oregon Neighborhood Store Association