2017 Regular Session
Meeting Details 04/10/2017 3:00 PM, HR C
Meeting Materials
Document Type | Measure | Exhibit Title | Submitter | |
Fiscal Impact Statement | SB 281 | SB 281 Fiscal | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | SB 281 | SB 281 Preliminary SMS | Staff | |
Presentation | SB 281 | Louise Solliday testimony | Oregon Ocean Science Trust | |
Presentation | SB 281 | Robert Bailey testimony | Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition | |
Witness Registration | SB 281 | SB 281 witness registration | Staff | |
Fiscal Impact Statement | SB 285 | SB 285 Fiscal | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | SB 285 | SB 285 Preliminary SMS | Staff | |
Presentation | SB 285 | Belinda Batten testimony | College of Engineering, Oregon State University | |
Witness Registration | SB 285 | SB 285 witness registration | Staff | |
Preliminary SMS | SB 634 | SB 634 Preliminary SMS | Staff | |
Revenue Impact Statement | SB 634 | SB 634 Revenue | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | SB 871 | SB 871 -1, -2 Preliminary SMS | Staff | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Dan Eisenbeis testimony of Chloe Eudaly | Commissioner, City of Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Dan Eisenbeis testimony of Paul Scarlett | Bureau of Development Services, City of Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Jae P. Douglas testimony | Multnomah County Health Department | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Rep. Kotek testimony | Speaker of the House, House District 44 | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Jere High testimony | Oregon Health Authority | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Margaret Davis email with photo | United Neighborhoods for Reform, Portland | |
Meeting Material | SB 871 | Margaret Davis handout | United Neighborhoods for Reform, Portland | |
Witness Registration | SB 871 | SB 871 witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Adrine de la Rocha testimony | resident, North Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Barbara Kerr email | resident, Northeast Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Barbara Kerr testimony | resident, Northeast Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Caitlin Poliak email | resident, Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | James Gorter email | affiliation unknown | |
Presentation | SB 871 | John Sandie testimony | resident, Northeast Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Josepth R. Dezso testimony | resident, North Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Judy Parsons testimony | constituent, Senate District 23 | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Kelly Campbell testimony | Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Mary Ann Joyce email | resident, Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Maryhelen Kincaid email | resident, Portland | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Sara Badiali email | affiliation unknown | |
Presentation | SB 871 | Sharon Genasi testimony | air quality activist, Northwest Portland | |
Fiscal Impact Statement | SB 1039 | SB 1039 Fiscal | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | SB 1039 | SB 1039 Preliminary SMS | Staff | |
Witness Registration | SB 1039 | SB 1039 witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | SB 1039 | Cyndi Karp email | watershed advocate, Waldport |