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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2278 1 Proposed 2/3/2017 3:43 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material LC3695_DRAFT_2017_Regular_Session LRO
Meeting Material LC3759_DRAFT_2017_Regular_Session LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2273 HB 2273 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2273 DOR Testimony - HB 2273 DOR
Witness Registration HB 2273 HB 2273 Witness Registration LRO
Meeting Material HB 2273 MTC Summary of Uniformity Recommendations (May 3, 2012) Jeffrey Henderson, DOR
Preliminary SMS HB 2274 HB 2274 - Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2274 COST Letter in Opposition to Throwback in HB 2274 FINAL (02/06/17) N.Dobay - COST
Presentation HB 2274 DHG Apportionment Map LRO
Meeting Material HB 2274 HB 2274 - Corporate Tax Throwout and Throwback Rules Jody Wiser
Presentation HB 2274 HB 2274 - DOR Testimony DOR
Witness Registration HB 2274 HB 2274 Witness Registration LRO
Meeting Material HB 2274 MTC Summary of Uniformity Recommendations (May 3, 2012) Jeffery Henderson, DOR
Preliminary SMS HB 2275 HB 2275 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2275 DOR Testimony - HB 2275 DOR
Witness Registration HB 2275 HB 2275 Witness Registration DOR
Meeting Material HB 2275 MTC Summary of Uniformity Recommendations (May 3, 2012) Jeffrey Henderson, DOR
Preliminary SMS HB 2277 HB 2277 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2277 DOR Testimony HB 2277 Refund Offset M.Gharst - DOR
Witness Registration HB 2277 HB 2277 Witness Registration LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2278 HB 2278 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2278 DOR Testimony HB 2278 Local Budget Law M.Gharst - DOR
Witness Registration HB 2278 HB 2278 Witness Registration LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2279 HB 2279 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2279 DOR Testimony HB 2279 Appraiser Registration M.Gharst - DOR
Witness Registration HB 2279 HB 2279 Witness Registration LRO