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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2528 -1 Proposed 2/8/2017 10:56 AM
HB 2536 -1 Proposed 2/8/2017 10:57 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material LC Introductions - LC 1224 staff
Meeting Material Parasa Chanramy testimony Stand for Children
Meeting Material Parasa Chanramy handout Stand for Children
Meeting Material Emily Nazarov presentation Oregon Department of Education
Meeting Material Emily Nazarov handout Oregon Department of Education
Meeting Material Colt Gill presentation Chief Education Office
Meeting Material Morgan Allen testimony Confederation of Oregon School Administrators
Meeting Material Laurie Wimmer testimony Oregon Education Association
Meeting Material Richard Donovan testimony Oregon School Boards Association
Presentation HB 2528 American School Counselor Association testimony ASCA
Witness Registration HB 2528 HB 2528 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2528 HB 2528 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2529 American School Counselor Association testimony ASCA
Witness Registration HB 2529 HB 2529 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2529 Kathy Biles testimony counseling coordinator, Oregon State University
Presentation HB 2529 Katie Loewen testimony school counselor, daVinci Middle School
Presentation HB 2529 Laura Pedersen testimony retired counselor, Portland,
Presentation HB 2529 Michelle Jensen testimony elementary administrator
Preliminary SMS HB 2529 HB 2529 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2530 American School Counselor Association testimony ASCA
Witness Registration HB 2530 HB 2530 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2530 HB 2530 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2536 Gene Eakin testimony school counselor, Oregon State University
Presentation HB 2536 American School Counselor Association testimony ASCA
Witness Registration HB 2536 HB 2536 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2536 Elizabeth Morgan testimony counseling student, Oregon State University
Preliminary SMS HB 2536 HB 2536 -1 Preliminary SMS staff