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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2153 -1 Proposed 3/8/2017 10:30 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Main Street Revitalization Grant - Sheri Stuart, presentation Oregon Main Street
Meeting Material Oregon Main Street 2016 Annual Report Oregon Main Street
Meeting Material Cross Laminated Timber in Oregon - Anyeley Hallova, Partner, Project ^, presentation part I Framework Project
Meeting Material Cross Laminated Timber in Oregon - Anyeley Hallova, Partner, Project ^, presentation part II Framework Project
Meeting Material Anyeley Hallova, Partner, Project ^, Forest to Frame brochure Oregon Forest Resources Institute
Meeting Material Anyeley Hallova, Partner, Project ^, Framework handout Framework Project
Meeting Material Cross Laminated Timber in Oregon -Valerie Johnson testimony President, D.R. Johnson Wood Innovations
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2153 HB 2153 -1 Fiscal Impact staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2153 HB 2153 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2153 HB 2153 -1 Revenue Impact staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2900 HB 2900 Fiscal Impact staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2900 HB 2900 Preliminary SMS Staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2900 HB 2900 Revenue Impact staff