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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2317 -1 Proposed 2/7/2017 3:13 PM
HB 2161 -1 Adopted 2/7/2017 3:46 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2112 HB 2112 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2112 Rep. Greenlick testimony House District 33
Presentation HB 2112 Kenneth Sherman, Jr. testimony Oregon Bankers Association
Witness Registration HB 2112 HB 2112 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2161 HB 2161 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2161 HB 2161 -A fiscal impact staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2161 HB 2161 -A revenue impact staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2161 HB 2161 fiscal impact staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2161 HB 2161 revenue impact staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2262 HB 2262 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2263 HB 2263 Preliminary SMS staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2264 HB 2264 fiscal impact staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2264 HB 2264 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2317 HB 2317 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2317 HB 2317 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2317 Wally Ordeman testimony Oregon Funeral Directors Association
Presentation HB 2359 Cheryl Hiemstra testimony Oregon Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General
Preliminary SMS HB 2359 HB 2359 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2359 HB 2359 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2562 HB 2562 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2562 HB 2562 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2562 Rep. Witt article House District 31
Preliminary SMS HB 2572 HB 2572 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2572 HB 2572 witness registration staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2609 HB 2609 fiscal impact staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2609 HB 2609 Preliminary SMS staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2609 HB 2609 revenue impact staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2624 HB 2624 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2624 HB 2624 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2624 Kenneth Sherman, Jr. testimony Oregon Bankers Association