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2016 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 1591 -A6 Proposed 2/23/2016 11:29 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 4138 Kevin Neely testimony Oregon District Attorneys Association
Preliminary SMS HB 4138 HB4138 Preliminary Staff Measure Summary Staff
Presentation SB 1527 Aaron Deas testimony Tri - Met
Meeting Material SB 1527 Aaron Deas fact sheet Tri - Met
Presentation SB 1527 Doug Barber Testimony Lane Transit District
Witness Registration SB 1527 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 1527 Skip Newberry Testimony Technology Association of Oregon
Presentation SB 1527 Allan Pollock Testimony Salem-Keizer Transit
Meeting Material SB 1527 Andrew Spreadborough Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
Presentation SB 1527 Leah Treat testimony Portland Bureau of Transportation
Preliminary SMS SB 1527 SB1527 Preliminary Staff Measure Summary Staff
Presentation SB 1529 Brian Posewitz testimony WaterWatch of Oregon
Presentation SB 1529 Tom Wolf testimony Oregon Council Trout Unlimited
Witness Registration SB 1529 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation SB 1529 Erik Kancler testimony City of Bend
Meeting Material SB 1529 Erik Kancler handout City of Bend
Presentation SB 1529 Samantha Murray Testimony Oregon Environmental Council
Preliminary SMS SB 1529 SB1529A Preliminary Staff Measure Summary Staff
Witness Registration SB 1591 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation SB 1591 Dan Meek testimony Oregon Progressive Party
Preliminary SMS SB 1591 SB1591A Preliminary Staff Measure Summary Staff