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2016 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 1532 -A27 Proposed 2/13/2016 1:48 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material SB 1532 Benefits and Wage graph Rep. Weidner
Presentation SB 1532 -13 Regional Map Senator Dembrow
Meeting Material SB 1532 Caitlin Baggot presentation North Star Civic Foundation
Meeting Material SB 1532 Caitlin Baggot graph North Star Civic Foundation
Presentation SB 1532 Chris Girard testimony Plaid Pantry
Presentation SB 1532 Chris Girard testimony 2 Plaid Pantry
Presentation SB 1532 Chris Girard testimony 3 Plaid Pantry
Presentation SB 1532 Chris Girard testimony 4 Plaid Pantry
Meeting Material SB 1532 Chris Girard report Dr. Fruit's ONSA
Presentation SB 1532 Leigh Geschwill testimony Oregon Association of Nurseries
Presentation SB 1532 Laura Rondeau testimony Basic Rights Oregon
Presentation SB 1532 Sarah Joannides testimony NewSeasons Market
Preliminary SMS SB 1532 Preliminary SMS Staff