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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 3034 -1 Proposed 3/31/2015 1:10 PM
HB 3034 -3 Proposed 5/21/2015 1:05 PM
HB 3172 -1 Proposed 3/25/2015 10:34 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2131 HB2131 LRO
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2148 HB 2148 A FIS_Impact LFO
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2148 HB 2148 A RIS_Impact LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2148 Preliminary SMS Staff
Meeting Material HB 2148 Umatilla Tribes Rebecca Ball
Meeting Material HB 2148 Umatilla Tribes 2 Stacy
Preliminary SMS HB 3034 Preliminary SMS Staff
Meeting Material HB 3034 Restore the healing mission to health care Rep. Barnhart
Presentation HB 3034 Testimony on House Bill 3034 Revised OR St. Assoc. of County Assessors
Presentation HB 3034 Stoloff Testimony on HB 3034 Peter Stoloff, Hospital Assoc.
Presentation HB 3034 Graman testimony on HB 3034 Peace Health
Witness Registration HB 3034 HB 3034 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 3034 AACH Letter Opposition HB 3034 Asante Ashland Community Hospital
Meeting Material HB 3034 Adventist Health HB 3034.David Russell Adventist Health
Meeting Material HB 3034 Adventist Health HB 3034.Joyce Newmyer Adventist Health
Presentation HB 3034 ARRMC Letter Opposition HB 3034 Asante Rogue Regional Med. Cnter
Presentation HB 3034 ATRMC Letter Opposition HB 3034 Asante Three Rivers Medical Center
Meeting Material HB 3034 HB 3034 oppose 3-30-2015 St. Charles Health System
Presentation HB 3034 HB 3034 Testimony 3 31 15 Rebecca Hall, DOR
Presentation HB 3034 HB 3034_Providence letter_033115 Providence
Presentation HB 3034 Letter to Rep. Phil Barnhart 3.27.15 Samaritan Health
Meeting Material HB 3034 Lower Umpqua Hospital HB 3034 Sandra Reese
Meeting Material HB 3034 Lower Umpqua Hospital in Opposition to HB 3034 Lower Umpqua Hospital
Meeting Material HB 3034 Tuality Healthcare HB 3034
Preliminary SMS HB 3172 Preliminary SMS Staff
Meeting Material HB 3172 DOR Collections Overview DOR / D.Mack
Presentation HB 3172 HB 3172 Testimony_HELPs for Seniors Eric Olsen