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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2700 -1 Proposed 2/2/2015 9:44 AM
HB 2700 -2 Proposed 2/2/2015 9:44 AM
HB 2700 -3 Proposed 2/2/2015 9:44 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material House Committee Rules 2015 staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC1353_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC1926_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC2396_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC2848_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC2849_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC2850_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC2851_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC Intro - LC2984_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Presentation HB 2339 Joshua Nasbe testimony Office of the State Court Administrator
Presentation HB 2339 Shannon Wight testimony Partnership for Safety and Justice
Witness Registration HB 2339 HB 2339 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2339 Rosemary Brewer testimony Oregon Crime Victims Law Center
Presentation HB 2339 Steven Brown testimony Oregon Association of the Deaf
Presentation HB 2340 Joshua Nasbe testimony Office of the State Court Administrator
Witness Registration HB 2340 HB 2340 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2700 Lane Shetterly testimony Oregon State Bar
Presentation HB 2700 Travis Prestwich testimony Oregon State Bar
Meeting Material HB 2700 Oregon Legal Aid handout Oregon State Bar
Presentation HB 2700 Megan Kovacs testimony Raphael House of Portland
Presentation HB 2700 Brad Daniels testimony Stoel Rives
Presentation HB 2700 Betsy Earls testimony Associated Oregon Industries
Presentation HB 2700 Fawn Barrie testimony Oregon Liability Reform Coalition
Witness Registration HB 2700 HB 2700 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2700 Christian Rataj testimony National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
Presentation HB 2700 Nick Fish testimony City of Portland