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2014 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4090 -1 Adopted 2/4/2014 9:57 AM
HB 4150 -1 Proposed 2/5/2014 10:21 AM
HB 4150 -3 Proposed 2/5/2014 10:21 AM
HB 4150 -4 Proposed 2/5/2014 12:13 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 4090 FlynnS testimony Oregon Food Bank
Presentation HB 4090 GrayR testimony Children First for Oregon
Presentation HB 4090 JohnsonR testimony Oregon Hunger Task Force
Presentation HB 4090 RepSmith-Warner testimony Rep. Barbra Smith Warner
Witness Registration HB 4090 witness registration Staff
Meeting Material HB 4150 RepGelser example syllabus (HB 2220) Rep. Sara Gelser
Presentation HB 4150 RepHuffman testimony of McIntoshM Redmond School District
Presentation HB 4150 RepHuffman testimony of WilkinsonR Bend Lapine Schools
Presentation HB 4150 SchlachterJ testimony Gresham-Barlow School District
Presentation HB 4150 Slessler-Hayes testimony OR resident
Presentation HB 4150 WegenerW testimony Superintendent, Baker School District
Presentation HB 4150 WimmerL testimony Oregon Education Association
Witness Registration HB 4150 witness registration staff