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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2632 -1 Not Adopted 3/13/2013 12:25 PM
HB 2227 -1 Not Adopted 3/8/2013 1:09 PM
HB 2036 intro Not Adopted 3/13/2013 4:18 PM
HB 2454 Intro Not Adopted 3/13/2013 4:32 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material 911 bills Malik
Meeting Material 911 tax Malik
Presentation HB 2035 HB 2035 Luttrell Testimony John Day Emergency Communications Ctr
Presentation HB 2035 HB 2035 and 2496 Washington Co testimony Washington County Sheriff
Presentation HB 2035 HB 2035 Parr Testimony City of Beaverton
Presentation HB 2035 HB 2035 Ingram Testimony OR Fire Dist Directors Assoc
Meeting Material HB 2035 HB 2035 - 9-1-1 extension City of Portland
Presentation HB 2035 HB 2035 Fuller Testimony OSSA
Presentation HB 2035 Squires testimony
Witness Registration HB 2035 Witness Registration HB 2035 LRO
Presentation HB 2035 HB 2035 Squires testimony Squires
Presentation HB 2036 HB 2036 Luttrell Testimony John Day Emergency Communications Ctr
Presentation HB 2036 HB 2036 Powell Testimony AT& T
Meeting Material HB 2036 Copy of Assigned numbers 2009-2012 Military Dept.
Presentation HB 2036 HB 2036 Parr Testimony City of Beaverton
Presentation HB 2036 HB 2036 Ingram Testimony OR Fire Dist Directors Assos
Meeting Material HB 2036 HB 2036 - prepaid City of Portland
Meeting Material HB 2036 HB 2036 Presentation Military Dept.
Presentation HB 2036 HB 2036 Fuller Testimony OSSA
Presentation HB 2036 Hatch testimony
Presentation HB 2036 Kosesan testimony
Meeting Material HB 2036 Oregon Military Dept. chart
Presentation HB 2036 Squires testimony
Witness Registration HB 2036 Witness Registration HB 2036 LRO
Presentation HB 2036 HB 2035 Squires testimony Squires
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2227 HB 2227-1 RIS_Impact LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2227 SMS_hb2227-1hrev03-14-2013 LRO
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Luttrell Testimony John Day Emergency Communications Ctr
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Powell testimony AT & T
Meeting Material HB 2415 HB 2415 Parr City of Beaverton
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Ingram Testimony OR Fire Dist Directors Assoc
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Fuller Testimony OSSA
Presentation HB 2415 Hatch testimony
Presentation HB 2415 Kosesan testimony
Presentation HB 2415 Squires testimony
Witness Registration HB 2415 Witness Registration HB 2415 LRO
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2035 Squires testimony Squires
Presentation HB 2454 HB 2454 Powell Testimony At & T
Presentation HB 2454 HB 2454 Parr Testimony City of Beaverton
Presentation HB 2454 HB 2454 Ingram Testimony OR Fire Dist Directors Assoc
Presentation HB 2454 HB 2454 Fuller Testimony OSSA
Presentation HB 2454 Hatch testimony
Presentation HB 2454 Mackey testimony
Witness Registration HB 2454 Witness Registration HB 2454 LRO
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2496 Luttrell Testimony John Day Emergency Communications Ctr
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2035 and 2496 Washington Co testimony Washington County Sheriff
Meeting Material HB 2496 HB 2496 Parr Restimony City of Beaverton
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2496 Ingram Testimony OR Fire Dist Directors Assoc
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2496 Fuller Testimony OSSA
Presentation HB 2496 Squires testimony
Witness Registration HB 2496 Witness Registration HB 2496 LRO
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2496 Squires testimony Squires
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2735 HB 2735 RIS_Impact LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2735 SMS_hb2735hrev03-14-2013 LRO
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2904 HB 2904 RIS Impact LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2904 SMS_hb2904hrev03-14-2013 LRO