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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 3254 -2 Not Adopted 4/8/2013 12:21 PM
HB 2748 -11 Not Adopted 4/6/2013 11:31 AM
HB 2748 -12 Not Adopted 4/6/2013 11:31 AM
HB 2748 -14 Not Adopted 4/6/2013 11:31 AM
HB 2426 -5 Adopted 4/6/2013 11:28 AM
HB 2426 -6 Adopted 4/7/2013 12:17 PM
HB 2426 -7 Combined 4/8/2013 11:28 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2666 ACLUtestimony Becky Straus
Presentation HB 2666 Shultztestimony Lisa Schultz
Witness Registration HB 2666 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3014 ACLU testimony Becky Straus
Witness Registration HB 3014 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3135 CooperA testimony OEA
Meeting Material HB 3135 CPR Fact Sheet American Heart Association
Meeting Material HB 3135 CPR steps for Adults Children Infants
Presentation HB 3135 DuffyJ testimony Jessica Duffey, RN, BSN
Presentation HB 3135 EsaguiV testimony Gentle Care Chiropractic
Presentation HB 3135 GuvenirD testimony_1 CPR 4 Teachers
Presentation HB 3135 GuvenirD testimony_2 CPR 4 Teachers
Presentation HB 3135 GuvenirD testimony_3 CPR 4 Teachers
Presentation HB 3135 LihsJ testimony Jeannie Lihs
Presentation HB 3135 MarchC testimony Emergency Services Consulting International
Presentation HB 3135 McCombJ written testimony OR Dept. Ed.
Presentation HB 3135 RosenbloomJ testimony Pediatric Associates of the Northwest
Presentation HB 3135 SawzakZ testimony Zigmund Sawzak, Paramedic
Presentation HB 3135 Tama-SweetS Testimony
Presentation HB 3135 WardenC testimony OHSU
Presentation HB 3135 Wendttestimony Michael Wendt
Witness Registration HB 3135 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3254 Hildick testimony
Presentation HB 3254 Roselli Testimony_20130417104324
Witness Registration HB 3254 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3426 McCombtestimony
Presentation HB 3426 Neal Testimony Bruce Neal
Witness Registration HB 3426 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3446 KarmanD Testimony
Presentation HB 3446 RothR Testimony
Witness Registration HB 3446 witness registration staff