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2024 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4106 -1 Proposed 2/16/2024 2:02 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 4106 HB 4106 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Witness Registration HB 4106 HB 4106 (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 4107 Bethany Cotton (presentation) Bethany Cotton, Conservation Director, Cascadia Wildlands; Pacific Wolf Coalition
Presentation HB 4107 John Williams (presentation) John Williams, Co-Chair, Wolf Committee, Oregon Cattleman's Association
Meeting Material HB 4107 John Williams (report: Estimates of Economic Losses...) John Williams, Co-Chair, Wolf Committee, Oregon Cattleman's Association
Meeting Material HB 4107 John Williams (testimony: Multiplier Talking Points) John Williams, Co-Chair, Wolf Committee, Oregon Cattleman's Association
Meeting Material HB 4107 John Williams (testimony: Support for 7 to 1 Multiplier) John Williams, Co-Chair, Wolf Committee, Oregon Cattleman's Association
Meeting Material HB 4107 Rep. Bobby Levy (testimony) Rep. Bobby Levy, House District 58
Presentation HB 4107 Sristi Kamal (presentation) Sristi Kamal, PhD, Deputy Director, Western Environmental Law Center