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2023-2024 Interim
No proposed amendments have been submitted for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Bill Van Vliet (one-pager) Bill Van Vliet, Executive Director, Network for Oregon Affordable Housing
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Bill Van Vliet (presentation) Bill Van Vliet, Executive Director, Network for Oregon Affordable Housing
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Greg Wolf (one-pager) Greg Wolf, Housing Innovation Partnership
Meeting Material Financing Affordable Moderate Income Housing - Nick Green (presentation) Nick Green, Catalyst Public Policy Advisors
Meeting Material HHOUSH 2024 Legislative Concepts Memo staff
Meeting Material LC 151: Individual Development Account Funding - Luke Bonham (POST-MEETING follow-up one-pager) Luke Bonham, Neighborhood Partnerships
Meeting Material LC 151: Individual Development Account Funding - Luke Bonham (POST-MEETING follow-up report) Luke Bonham, Neighborhood Partnerships
Meeting Material LC 151: Individual Development Account Funding - Luke Bonham (presentation) Luke Bonham, Neighborhood Partnerships
Meeting Material LC 241: Municipal Development Protection Fund - Rep. Mark Gamba, HD 41 (one-pager) Rep. Mark Gamba, HD 41
Meeting Material LC0040_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC0193_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC0197_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session staff
Meeting Material LC0241_DRAFT_2024_Regular_Session Rep. Mark Gamba, HD 41
Meeting Material Member Housing-Related Legislative Concepts - Representative Ricki Ruiz, HD 50 (one-pager) Cameron Herrington, Oregon Housing Alliance
Meeting Material OHCS: Legislation Implementation Updates - Caleb Yant (presentation) Leann Knapp, Oregon Housing and Community Services