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2022 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Jim Palmer Zwald Transport Inc Support Tillamook 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Testimony Mark Elston Support Hampton Lumber 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Testimony Larry Emery Support Tillamook 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Letter Shelley Reeder-Lueth Tillamook County Support Netarts 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Testimony Tom Messenger Support Pacific City 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Testimony Debbi Reeves Support Tillamook 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Testimony Trevor Beltz Tillamook County Creamery Association Support Tillamook County Creamery Association 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Testimony Tammie Murray Neutral Northwest Coast Range 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
 Testimony Stephen kiss Support Banks 2/8/2022 Joint Committee On Transportation
Presentations Displayed in Committee

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Floor Letters

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